There are the books everyone has heard about: Twilight, Hunger Games, Fifty Shades of Gray. But what about all those books written by people you've never heard of? Some of them are treasures, just waiting to be found, and that's what this blog hop is all about: the books you might not have heard about, but that you might end up loving.
This blog hop is like a game of tag. One author posts and tags five other authors who link back to their website the next week and tag five more authors! If you follow the blog hop long enough, you're bound to find some books you'll love! Maybe you even discover a book that ends up being the next big thing.
I was tagged by Ann Marie May and NR Walker. You can learn more about Ann by visiting her awesome website (HERE).
You can learn more about NR by visiting her awesome website (HERE)
This blog hop includes ten questions to help you learn more about an author's current work in progress, so here's a little info about my current project:
1: What is the working title of your book?
Actually, I'm working on a couple of projects. In the world I.O.N. I have a couple of WIPs I've started that follow different story lines. The Soul Of An Animal Like Me (The Rise of the Omlec #1). The Druids of Sanctuary and Dragon's Eye (Sumeria's Sons #5)
2: Where did the idea come from for the book?
I have a what-if-notebook that I keep when a "what if" comes to me. Sumeria's Sons came from "What if you were bound to a terrible destined mate? What would you do?" The Soul of an Animal Like Me came from "What if you were raised to believe that animals were soulless and you were bitten and turn into one?" ~Laughing~ The Druids of Sanctuary came from a song -- Maroon 5 -- One More Night.
3: What genre does your book fall under?
Fantasy, and Urban Fantasy.
4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Um, wow. No clue. Oh, does that mean I can hold auditions?
5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
I'll pick Dragon's Eye for this - When ancient prophesy and reality collide, three will rise who will shake the foundations of the Lycan tribes, and call up the Gods to choose a side in the war brewing on the horizon.
6: Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
The series is published through Silver Publishing.
7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Since I'm in the middle of it right now...not sure. I expect about a month for the first draft which will be around 60k
8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Nothing comes to mind. I try to make my stories unique and untried. Sumeria's Sons uses a background of ancient Sumeria with the ties to the Epic of Gilgamesh at it's core but with other elements that may be familiar but are twisted into something new.
9: Who or What inspired you to write this book?
My friend, Ms. Lucy did. She took a look at chapter one and two of Twin Flames and gave me my first first "OMG."
10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? The Sumeria's Sons series focuses on the core couple so you get to watch their relationship grow from the very beginning. In order for them to have HEA they both have to evolve, grow, and change. It's beautiful to watch and they each have a lot of heart and tremendous love. Plus you get some kick-ass action and a truly evil advisory that you will want to chew up and spit out.
I'm supposed to have a couple of people tagged but I was swamped with publisher edits and forgot to ask! :( I'm really sorry! Today snuck up on me!
Happy Reading!

Every week this month I'll share excerpts for one of my books.
This week from Songs of the Earth (Sumeria's Sons #2).
Purchase Link: Click Here
Silver Blog Hop Followers, your list will always be at the bottom if you are looking for snowflakes! :)
Chapter Three continued...
© 2012, Lexi Ander
Ushna and Gregori arrived, freshly
showered, and dressed. Ushna lavished on me a great good morning kiss before
handing me a shirt. I gave him a cheeky smile before I pulled it on and sat at
the head of the table. The warriors automatically left the spot to my left and
right free for Gregori and Ushna.
I observed the activity around the table.
Dishes were passed and plates filled between light banter. This felt natural. I
ate with good appetite.
As the meal wound down, I listened to Corey
as he gave me an update on additional housing for the new tribe members. Between
the two bunkhouses he said we were able to accommodate all fourteen men and the
ranch hands.
I looked around the table at each of the
men. While there was a part of me that balked at having my life disrupted,
there was an equal portion that slipped easily into the leadership role as if it
was a familiar skin. "Those of you who have families or dependents, please
get with your captain and give him names, ages, and occupations. I'll do my
best to get them moved here. I don't want to keep you separated from your loved
ones. We may have to use temporary housing until your salaries are established."
I saw several looks of relief. The Blood Oaths were meant to guarantee their
loyalty, nothing else. "You and your families are a part of my tribe now. I'll
give a list of positions I'll need filled to Corey. He'll help to match the occupations
of your spouses and families to any jobs I have."
Corey gave out the day's orders and met
Ushna, Gregori, and me in my office to make plans for our growing numbers. The room
felt a little small with all four of us there. Gregori took the love seat by
the door, lounging comfortably. I sat behind the desk, with Ushna and Corey in
the only other chairs in the room. It felt as if we were outgrowing everything
"Where are we going to get the
money for the temporary housing and salaries?" Ushna asked, and I knew he
wasn't going to like my solution.
"My inheritance." I waited for
the fallout.
"No." Ushna scowled, shaking
his head. "You will not use your inheritance for this."
I raised my brows at him. "That
would be my choice. We certainly cannot support a tribe on our salaries."
"Why can't you use the king's treasury?"
I think Corey was trying to divert the argument everyone could feel brewing.
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Blog: Click Here
Here is your list and GOOD LUCK!
Lexi Ander Link:
Sarah Bella Link:
William Cooper Link:
D. McEntire Link:
T. C. Archer Link:
Tarah Scott Link:
The Mischief Corner Link:
Lily Harlem Link:
Maria MoonStar Link:
S.A. Garcia Link:
Marie Ashley Link:
Eve Tesoro Link:
Silver Blog Link:
Lexi Ander Link:
Sarah Bella Link:
William Cooper Link:
D. McEntire Link:
T. C. Archer Link:
Tarah Scott Link:
The Mischief Corner Link:
Lily Harlem Link:
Maria MoonStar Link:
S.A. Garcia Link:
Marie Ashley Link:
Eve Tesoro Link:
Silver Blog Link:
Scarlet Blackwell - author of Homeless at Christmas Link:
TN Tarrant - author of A Not So Straight Christmas Link:
Karly Maddison - author of A Puppy for Christmas Link:
Toni Griffin - author of A Very Holland Christmas Link:
Cheyenne Meadows - author of Christmas with Mesa Link:
Heidi Lynn Anderson - author of Christmas Longing Link:
LM Brown - author of Someone Like You Link:
Vicktor Alexander - author of Chocolate Vanilla Swirl Link:
Jannie Lund - author of Clear as Glass Link:
Piper Whitney - author of Fractured Heart Link:
Nicole Dennis - author of 7 Days of Christmas Link:
Kim Fielding - author of Joys R Us Link:
Silvia Violet - author of Needing a Little Christmas Link:
Elyzabeth M. VaLey - author of Punishing Santa Link:
Freddy MacKay - author of Snowed Link:
Annabelle Jacobs - author of Snowflakes and Strangers Link:
Pelaam - author of Christmas Magic Link:
Rebecca Leigh - author of The Angel's Fall Link:
N Phillips - author of The Christmas Mix Up Link:
Grace Roselyn - author of The Treasure of Christmas Link:
Ellen Heights - author of Three Men and a Christmas Goddess Link:
Mathilde Watson: Link:
Andi Anderson Link:
Lillian Frances - author of When Love Flue In Link:
Azura Ice - author of Wrapped Around Your Handlebars Link:
Ashlynn Monroe - author of A Most Unexpected Gift Link:
SJD Peterson Link:
EM Lynley Link:
Gregg A. Endless Link:
Elinor Gray Link:
Emma Paul Link:
Caitlin Ricci Link:
Vona Logan Link:
M.A. Stacie Link:
Dawn H. Hawkes Link:
Meredith Russell Link:
R.J. Scott Link:
Lisa Worrall Link:
Trillium Link:
Jessica E. Subject Link:
RC Bonitz Link:
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