Thursday, July 5, 2018

Pact Days: Valespian Illustrations #valespianpact

When I was writing Striker, I started doodling with character sketches for the series. It was something I did for fun, and I admit, I was sorta of poking fun at myself.

I'm so-so with drawing. I used to draw all the time when I was a teenager and was much better than I am today. But the more I worked at it the better I became. 

Rhee hanging from the ceiling
I won't ever be awesome at drawing but I'm okay with "not bad". LOL! (Although some of those earlier drawing were hideous. Just saying. :-)

As you can see, the drawings that I liked the most I had commissioned for an artist to turn into illustrations. I love seeing them in color. I'm okay with sketches and charcoals but every time I had added color I immediately hated the result.

Unfortunately, that is all for today. I hope you enjoyed the look. Hopefully, I can get my printer up and running so I can scan the other drawings (the better drawings, LOL) for next week. 

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

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