Thursday, July 19, 2018

Pact Days: Sketches and Illustrations #ValespianPact

Welcome back to Pact Days. I have more illustrations and pencil drawings for you. 

As with a lot of the characters that I write, I don't have one picture inspiration that makes them up. Dargon is one of those characters. His thylakos form is loosely based off the extinct Tasmanian tiger, being bigger and shaped a bit differently due to Dargon's ability to morph into a humanoid shape. My pinterst board has his eyes and a few other pictures where I took this body part or that down to his clothes. All pieced together would make Dargon, sort of, maybe, but not quite. So I attempted to put my hand to how he looked and it started out all right. 

But the further I got along, the more frustrated I became. It's my limitation with drawing. I don't practice enough to be better and since drawing isn't my passion as it was when I was a teenager, my skill will continue to be meh. :)

Nothing to write home about. But the illustrator did all right with it, though I'm still not happy with it. If I could pluck the image out of my head and drop it on paper, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I did decide that I was going to give drawing Dargon another try but I didn't get far. You could say that I got distracted with other things and just haven't gone back to finish it.

So perhaps one day I will get further along. I drew Athena, which I won't show you because I really hate it. I attempted a profile and she looks sorta of reminds me of Beavis and Butthead. She could be Beavis's relative with better hair. I'm going to try a front facing drawing, like Zeus's. I might have better luck. 

The last one I have for you is Canry. I didn't do so bad with his drawing, though I got the spines on his head the wrong height, They are supposed to be shorter in the front, growing gradually taller toward the back.

I wasn't a fan of how I drew Canry's lips, but I talked to the Illustrator about that and she fixed them. We also had long conversations about Canry's coloring and what his armor looked like. I think she did a great job on both. 

Well that is it for now. I think I only have a few more drawings left to show off. I do have several more, they just aren't public worthy. The Vondorians are all that is left. I have Azaes, Shaneva, and Zeus. I wish I could do a portrait of all the Vondorians together. That would be cool. But first, I need to pick up the pencil and start exercising my drawing skills again. :-)

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

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