Thursday, April 30, 2015

Today's Blog Tour Stops

Today you can find me at

Don't forget to enter the giveaway. I believe that you can enter everyday so don't miss out!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Dreams of the Forgotten Blog Tour

Today starts the blog tour for Dreams of the Forgotten and I'm over at Joyfully Jay talking about Twin Flames, Death, and Destiny.

The blog tour will go from 4/27 to 5/08 and has a great giveaway. 

1. $20 Amazon Gift card, $20 All Romance Gift card, hard copy of Dreams of the Forgotten, swag (pens, bookmarks, and such)
2. $20 All Romance Gift card, hard copy of Dreams of the Forgotten, swag (pens, bookmarks, and such)
3. hard copy of Dreams of the Forgotten, swag (pens, bookmarks)
4. e-book copy of Dreams of the Forgotten
5. e-book copy of Dreams of the Forgotten

I'm also at Emotion In MotionTuesday, I will be at Hearts On Fire Reviews and Prism Book AllianceWednesday, I will be at Love Bytes, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, and Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh, My! (the link for the actual post won't be up until Wednesday).

I'll update the this blog with the locations I will be at everyday. Enjoy the tour and thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Books We Talk About Finalist

Woke up this morning to the news that Keeping Faith was a finalist in the Best Gay Book in a Series category for the Books We Talk About contest.

There will be a little bit of time for the next round. Nominations for Bookquarter 2 will begin July . Then Winners in each category, of each Bookquarter, will go up against each other and the Winner will be “The Book We Talk About”.

To see the other categories and finalist, check out Gay.Guy.Reading And Friends

Until then I'm going to write up a storm and maybe put some serious thought into writing a story for Gent. For a side character, I liked him a lot. If you've read this then you know who and what Gent is. I won't say because I don't want to accidentally give out any spoilers in case you haven't read Keeping Faith. If I do write a story for Gent, it won't be soon because my schedule is full. Besides, I would need to have an idea for a plot of some kind. Hmmm. We'll see. Not making any promises. ^_^

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

What's Coming this Week

On April 27th, MCB Quarterly launches. The eMagazine features different kinds of LGBTQ fiction. I had a great time when Freddy MacKay Skype-interviewed me as this quarter's featured author. ^_^

Pick it up and give it a try. You can find the quarterly at All Romance and Mischief Corner Books.


The MCB Quarterly, Volume 1 (The Quarterly) by Angel Martinez, Beany Sparks, Brigid Collins, Freddy MacKay, J. Scott Coatsworth, Lexi Ander, Mina MacLeod - Roma

The Quarterly is an eMagazine of LGBTQ fiction - of all kinds. This volume features four short stories: 

Facsimile by Mina MacLeod, 
Leash on Love by Beany Sparks, 
Man of the House by Brigid Collins, and 
Avalon by J. Scott Coatsworth. 

It also includes an Author Interview with Lexi Ander taking about writing gay science fiction, and a Featured Artist section about the multitalented Catherine Dair. And our very own Angel Martinez offers and Op-Ed on "When is an Author not an Author?"


On Monday, April 27th, the Dreams of the Forgotten blog tour takes off. I partnered with Pride Promotions and we're going on a two week tour from 4/27 thru 5/8 with an awesome giveaway. There are a lot of interviews and guest posts so I hope you make time to stop by an say, "Hi!"

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Winner Announcement for the Unshakable Giveaway

Just a quick note to announce the giveaway for the paperback of Unshakable. I wanted to thank everybody for participating. You are awesome!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Reading Woes - Why M/M Romance - Last days of the Giveaway

Reread: Fantasy+
I've been rereading a lot here lately because I cannot tell you how many times I have picked up a book, read to 15-20% in then put it away. I'm either not in the mood, the story didn't catch me, in a few cases it was because of terrible editing (which normally I can ignore). Lately, I have found that any hint of dub-con or forced-con and I immediately put it down. I used to be able to read them as long as there was a plausible resolution and HEA. Now, just a whiff and I'm like hell-to-the-no. The same goes for BDSM. I devoured those like they were candy a couple of years ago. Then last night, I went to reread one of my "favorites" and I had a hissy fit because the Alpha whooped his mate's ass without talking, without consent, and all I thought was, "Abuser! Run for the hills little mate!"

Reread: Sci-Fi
I'm getting the hint that my reading tastes are changing. It's happened in the past, so I'm not surprised. But it's been really hard to find something to read that I can sink my teeth in and spend hours immersed in someone else's playground. Broadening the search, I stepped outside M/M romance and began looking for some MMF. I found a couple of good ones but not great, if you know what I mean.

Then Audible had their 50% off sale and I about bankrupted myself purchasing the audiobooks for books that I had already read. Yes. You read that correctly. The books I like to reread, I bought the audio version for because I was having trouble finding something to sink my teeth into. I did pick up a few new reads in both the gay and mainstream sections. Trying to find MMF audiobooks from my favorite authors was a big fat bust. There are less of those than there are of the gay & lesbian. Jerks.

Reread: Contemporary
I did purchase a couple of Het romances that I'd heard a lot of buzz about. Dystopia earth, strong women, alien alpha males. I thought, "Hey, that sounds like my cuppa." The sample of the narration was yummy and so I gave them a try and they reminded me why I chose to read, then write M/M. The alpha males attitudes on what a woman could and couldn't do or wear, and marrying them while they were unconscious wasn't endearing. It was creepy. The female leads were strong and self-efficient then the males came in that one moment of weakness to "save them" because "women needed to be protected". By the end, the women did change and molded to what the Alpha male wanted instead of saying, "Accept me as I am or I'm outa here buster." But they didn't. It all left me frustrated and confused because the book had such high ratings for both the ebook and the audio. I ended up reading three in the series because I wondered if the the style and type changed. Authors evolve over time, and that was what I was looking for. Besides the third book in the series was what I really wanted to read and it was the one that disappointed me the most.

Reread: Fantasy
Are all Het romances like that? Nope, and  that is why I'll read more of them. Like anything else, I have to wade through the stories until I find a series that aligns with what type of characters I want to read about. It's no different from finding my reading footing again in gay romance. Not all of them have male leads with backgrounds of abuse, dub-con, or BDSM.

Other than my reading woes, I've been working on my DRitC submission. Salvaging Toby's Heart came in at 33k. With the cover already completed, I sent it and the manuscript into MMR. Wow. The Mods and volunteers are so quick and efficient. They've checked and the cover to make sure everything was fine with it and they've assigned an editor to my story. They said 30 days for the entire process which is really quick. So sometime in June/July, depending where I fall in line with the other submissions, Salvaging Toby's Heart will go up on the MM Romance Group. It was such fun to write and I look forward to seeing what Eepa thinks of it.

I'm also expecting edits for Surrounded by Crimson which has a tentative release date of July 1st and the first rounds of edits for Ruby Red Booty Shorts & A Louisville Slugger. A release date for that hasn't been announced yet. So I see lots of editing in my future.

With the completion of my DRitC story, I'm going back to Releasing Chaos, the last book in the Sumeria's Sons series. I think that I needed the break so the story could solidify in my mind. People say force your way through... yeah, that has never worked for me. So the last couple of days I've been going through and self-editing what I already have down to remind myself where I was at. I should be able to start adding word count by Friday. Then it will be a push to get as much of it done before edits do come in. ^_^

One last thing before I go. The giveaway for Unshakable is almost over. If you haven't entered yet, what are you waiting for?

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Queer Sci Fi blog

I'm a guest over on the Queer Sci Fi blog today for the release of Dreams of the Forgotten. Stop over and have a look. Scott loves feedback. :-)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Unshakable Series Going To Paperback, Giveaway

The Unshakable Series started out with a story prompt. (Y'all know how I love those.) Playing For Keeps was born and AJ, Brock, and Trent came alive in my head.

In November of 2014, Keeping Faith was released right after my father passed away. Because of the timing, I didn't do as much self-promotion as I normally would.

Now, on April 17th the paperback combining both Playing For Keeps and Keeping Faith will be released in one volume.

To celebrate the release, I'm giving away 3 paperbacks. You can enter the giveaway until April 24th. The winner announcement will be made on April 25th. Good Luck!!

Categories: Gay, Poly, Romance, Contemporary, Action/Adventure

Purchase Links for Unshakable: Fireborn | Amazon |

Playing For Keeps Blurb:

College running back, Trent Harte, has been living with his lovers, AJ Barnes and Brock Everett, for two years. Caught in a compromising position, rumors abound. It's hard enough to be an openly gay football player, but gossip and snide comments only add to his stress. Threats against his partners causes Trent to wonder if he should step back from the relationship.

AJ and Brock know there is something wrong when Trent begins to pull away. A call from Trent's father only adds to his distress. AJ and Brock refuse to let him shoulder the responsibility alone and they call for help. Will Trent find the strength to withstand the pressure and hold on to those he loves? Or will AJ and Brock be too late to convince Trent that they are playing for keeps?

Keeping Faith Blurb:

Several months after Trent Harte was drafted into the NFL, he, AJ Barnes, and Brock Everette are settling into their new home in Miami. Christmas is approaching and they are excited to share another holiday season with each other. Unbeknownst to them, William Harte, Trent's estranged father double-crossed a deadly adversary and then disappeared. To draw William out of hiding, Trent becomes a target. In a horrible twist of fate, the kidnappers grab Brock instead leaving AJ and Trent scrambling to find a way get Brock back. Detectives believe Trent is responsible, and with each passing hour the likelihood of Brock returning home alive dwindles.

Brock traded his safety to ensure his lovers were out of harm's way. He would do it again even knowing he'd end up captured and restrained in a part of town that no one in their right mind would willingly go. The kidnappers are terrifying, but Brock is a fighter, holding onto hope with both hands. He must decide to either wait to be rescued or find a way to escape. Stuck between the wills of a ruthless assassin and an insane mob thug, something needs to happen soon or he'll never see Trent and AJ again.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One Day Only 25% Off Sale #AREBLAST

For today only at All Romanace eBooks (ARe) and Omnilit Fireborn Publishing is taking part in the #AREBLAST. All Fireborn's titles are 25% off.

That means that you can get Keeping Faith for $3.75. Don't miss out on the deal!!

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Psst!! Don't forget to check back because I have another cool announcement for this week.

Dreams of the Forgotten Release Day!!

Whoot! Today is the release day for Dreams of the Forgotten

Y'all are going to laugh at me because I'd forgotten that April 15th was The Tax day as well until this past weekend. Oops. But hey, this is like a ray of sunshine midst the tax woes, yeah? Okay a tiny sliver. :D

This is the third book of the Sumeria's Sons series. Hiding Tristan's condition becomes complicated as they deal with family issues. With the passing days they uncover information about their enemies, dangers lurking in their own tribe, and long forgotten love that could either push Tristan and Ushna together or tear them apart.

Categories: Fantasy, Gay, Paranormal, Poly, Urban Fantasy

Available in both paperback and ebook formats.

Buy Links: LT3 Press | Amazon | All Romance | B&N | Bookstrand


For Tristan and Ushna, nothing comes easy and with each passing day the challenges grow and the dangers multiply. The safe home they are building for their family and tribe is threatened from all sides, and the peace they seek is being torn apart by enemies and internal strife. Tristan dares not reveal his condition to any but those closest to him, all the while he's plagued by dreams he cannot remember upon waking...

And over all of it hangs the knowledge that his time with Ushna is running out. Because Ushna already has a Flame awaiting rebirth, and though Tristan would die to protect that bond, he constantly struggles against his beast who demands they bind Ushna to their side.


I woke up with a jolting start, hands clutching at someone, something that wasn't there. My heart pounded like a drum in my chest.

A dream.

It was only a dream, and the images faded fast. Groggily, I tried to catch it and bring it back, as I struggled to remember. It was important. There was something I wasn't supposed to forget, something I needed to do. I nearly growled in frustration as the contents of the dream, like smoke, drifted away from me until all I remembered were a pair of piercing blue eyes, hopeful and pleading.

I scrubbed my hands over my face in frustration. These dreams plagued me every time I closed my eyes. Always I woke with a sense of urgency but recalled nothing when the fuzziness of sleep cleared. If I only remembered, maybe I could do something, but as it was, I woke frustrated and saddened.

Some mornings the sense of loss was so overwhelming I hid from Ushna until the mood subsided. I didn't know how to explain why I was so affected by my dreams. On the mornings I needed to conceal myself, I’d sit in my dark office. The sorrow was so strong it seemed as if my chest had been cracked open. I prayed he would never see me in those minutes of consuming grief. What could I say to make him understand when I couldn't comprehend it myself?

This time, I had awakened with the impression of a task incomplete. Not with enough sadness to steal my breath but with a purpose. I had something more; it was only names my mind seemed to pluck out of the air but it was somewhere to start. I needed answers, and I had a hunch they were to be found with these new clues from my dream; Angelo Giannis and Nikita Minoas. I didn't know who they were but given time I’d find out.

The sun hadn't yet breached the horizon. I lay in bed, warm and cozy next to Ushna, and listened to the soft inhalations of his breathing while I stared at his beautiful, masculine face. Long, dark eyelashes brushed the tops of his cheeks, lips pink and slightly pouty in rest, his blue-black hair sweeping across his brow and getting caught in the dark stubble along his cheek. His sun-darkened skin glowed vibrantly even in sleep.

Dreams aside, I loved waking up before Ushna so I could watch the sun paint the face of my consort with the colors of dawn. I’d listen to his breathing and watch his chest rise and fall, making the iridescent scales of his albino caduceus appear as liquid silver. Being with him in moments like these, I knew where I was supposed to be.

Much had happened in the three months since I’d found out that I wasn't only Lycan royalty but the last and only prince of the Enkidu bloodline. This jolting revelation had changed my life forever. I went from being an insignificant alpha with a tribe of two to having one of the fastest growing tribes with the largest contingent of Lycan warriors outside of the hearth tribe back home in Georgia.

Changes were being made to our ranch as a part of the infrastructure before Ushna and I stepped from the shadows and revealed our identities to all Lycans as the royal couple, and me as the future king. Having security in place before going public with the announcement was imperative because assassins had murdered those who came before me. Recent events with the Magi College made us question who to trust, especially after Caspian MacCuill, a member of the governing Magi Triad, attempted to kidnap Ushna, as well as our childhood friend and Magi, Gregori Borchetta.

If I only had myself to care for, I would disappear. But I had Ushna and now our children to watch over and protect. Our people needed us, and I couldn't find it within myself to abandon them. Even though there were dangers to both of us and the family we planned to have, if we backed down—if we left and acquiesced to our safety—our race would not survive the forces striving to destroy us.

Even with my firm resolve, I worried about my ability to protect Ushna. He believed it was his job to protect me, but shouldn't it go both ways? There were forces that would harm him for associating with me. They’d murder him if they knew he was my husband.

I stroked my hand down over my large, swollen stomach. Nine weeks into my sixteen week pregnancy, and I was already huge. I was no longer the last of my line, and once the assassins found out, my life would be more dangerous than it had ever been.

Running fingertips over the swell of Ushna's chest, I rested my palm over his heart. He moved under my hand, moaning deliciously. I studied his sun-bronzed features and his solid muscular planes, shaped by hard work. There were moments when I was amazed he loved me. Only me. The knowledge humbled me even as it strengthened me.

Don't forget to join us for the Dreams of the Forgotten blog tour starting April 27th thru May 8th.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Cover Reveal for Love is an Open Road Event

So, you know when I was talking about the number of projects I had for this year and how I really wanted to do a couple of side projects? A couple of you agreed to hang me up by my toes if I didn't keep on schedule. I promise, I will keep on schedule. There may be a periods of time you won't see me around social media because of it, but the upside (other than keeping my schedule) is that I could fit in an extra story.

The annual Don't Read in the Closet (DRitC) event over at the GoodReads M/M Romance Group started up. I thought all the prompts had been claimed when I allowed myself to go look and see what the requests were this year.

The first thread I clicked on was one of the few unclaimed story requests. As I scrolled through to see who took the story, I realized the baby was up for grabs... and I left the thread, listing all the reasons why I couldn't--shouldn't consider the prompt. I glanced through the others, trying to take my mind off the yummy prompt. I posted a call for help on FaceBook and the enablers responded. (I love you guys.)

It was a sign.

The prompt must be mine.

LOL! I took it. Then my husband brought home a bug that totaled me for over a week. But I finished the story ahead of time. I'm almost finished self-editing. I have a couple of volunteer beta readers. Today, I received the illustrated book cover. Does it not freakin' rock??? What a boost of excitement.

Now. I need to write a blurb. ^_^

The story prompt was:

Dear Author,

It was supposed to be basic find and retrieve job even if the planet was little known and in the edge of the territories. Nothing went right with that job. My ship got damaged on the landing, there is nothing but jungle out here and I have no idea where the thing I’m looking for could even be and now I have apparently found the natives too. I so don’t need any more distractions but he sure knows how to get persuasive with those hairs of his.

I would like this to be a sci-fi adventure story. There can be some dub-con but in the end it’s about falling in love with his alien.

No BDSM, but otherwise I’m not too particular about the content.



Thank you for stopping by and reading!!!

Autism Awareness Hop Winners

A HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in the blog hop. I hope you had a great time and found the hop informative.




Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Selection details: I used a custom random number generator to select the winners. Numbers were assigned in the order in which people commented. If someone commented more than once, their number was taken from their first comment. 1) waxapplelover 2) boolovez 3) Antonia 4) Bronwyn 5) vitajex 6) ShirleyAnn 7) booksandmore 8) Jbst 9) Penumbra 10) Sula 11) JenCW

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

World Autism Awareness Day

Click here to see RJ Scott's Master Post 

Welcome to the blog! Today we are celebrating Autism Awareness. While Googling, trying find something to write about that didn't include a bunch of statistics, I came across a YouTube video that said exactly what I was thinking. 

Stats are great, but they don't help in the day to day life when someone encounters a person with aspergers or autism. They are different, but that doesn't mean they are deficient, only that they think and communicate differently from what we are used to. Everyday they struggle to understand us, and I think its only fair to show the same patience to understand them.

I've attached the video I found. It's simple and to the point. I'm not going to clutter the post up with book promo. There are tabs to the right that will take you the other pages if you're interested.

Also for the contest for today, make sure you leave a comment with an email address. Two winners will get to select an eBook from my back list. Contest ends 11:59 p.m. on April 2nd EST. Enjoy!!

Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism.

I have a nephew who was diagnosed with autism when he was around two or so. He's a beautiful, bright boy and we love just as he is. *smooches*

Celebration Time!! Less Than Three Is Turning Six

Woo-hoo!  LT3's sixth anniversary is coming up in April, and all month you can find a deal. 

There are three events for readers: 
(1) a 20% off sale on ebooks (25% off on paperbacks), 
(2) a raffle for Kindles, paperbacks, and GC, and 
(3) new this year, a daily flash sale.

Every day in April, LT3 will be marking down a book, a series, or in one case, a collection to 50% off. The flash sales apply to the ebook versions only and will be live for 24 hours only (Mountain time, GMT -7).

Each book purchased is equal to a raffle entry. Books purchased through the flash sales do count.

So make sure you check here --> LT3 Press everyday for yummy deals!