Thursday, February 26, 2015

Alpha Trine Available on Audio Right Now... I Mean Really, Right Now!

I'm so flippin' excited. Alpha Trine is out on audio. I just checked Audible and it was there! So I ran over to iTunes and it's there, too.

If you want to listen to a sample, there is one up on both iTunes and Audible. Both are different. (Yes, I listened.) ^_^ I hate that iTunes doesn't have a share link.

Dude, Dude, Dude! I'm not going to get anything done today. It's not like I can actually do anything but bounce in my seat. Give me an hour and I'll sit down with Releasing Chaos. I'm supposed to start it today, but for right now, I'm going to revel in this giddy feeling.

Oh! and here is the link: Amazon US |

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Catching Up On My Reading

I forgot to post this on Sunday. Days behind. I have a feeling that I won't be doing much reading in the next few weeks. More to come on that in the couple of days. ^_^

Death By Dragon by Madeline Ribbon #Fantasy #Paranormal #Humor #SortaLoveTriangle #Reread
Angel's Honor by Erin M. Leaf #Fantasy #Wings
SanctuaryWithin the Breed by Ryder Dane #MFM #MotorCycleClub #Contemporary
The Errant Prince by Sasha L. Miller #Fantasy #Reread
Rabbit Season by Megan Derr #Shifter #DudeRabbits
No Bravery by TA Chase #Dystopia #ShortSnack #HFN
Barracuda's Heart (Hot Rods, 6) by Jayne Rylon #Contmporary #DudeLotsOfHands
Apartment 1209 by Elizabeth Lister #Contemporary #BDSM #ShortSnack #Free
Losing Groung by Sasha Miller #fantasy #ShortSnack
Scarlet by Celia Kyle #MFM #shifter #ShortSnack
The Seeeking Kiss by Eden Bradley #MMF #vampire #ShortSnack
Born of Stone by Missy Jane #MF #gragoyle #ShortSnack

#RecommendedByLoveless #JustFun #ShortSnacks #EroticSciFi/Fantasy
Handsome Hero Wanted (Handsome Heroes #1) by James Cox
Handsome Hard and Delicious (Handsome Heroes, #2)
Handsome Men Suck (Handsome Heroes, #3)
Handsome Men Blow (Handsome Heroes, #4)
Handsome Slave Seeks Horny Hero (Handsome Heroes, #5)
Handsome Sex Addict on Planet 9 (Handsome Heroes, #6)
Handsome Men Bite Back (Handsome Heroes #7)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Which Project Do I Choose Now?

So I submitted both Dragon's Eye and A Child's Wish to the publisher. Now I wait for a response. My next writing project is Releasing Chaos, the last book in the Sumeria's Sons series (so excited!!) but I have a couple of editing projects I need to slate for completion as well.

The first one is A Werewolf's Tale & A Druid Sword, which is the second book in the ION series. In the fall I took the old ms and revised and lengthened by 20k but I need to go back one more time. I received the beta reviews back around the time my dad went into the hospital last November so that project fell by the wayside. With luck, I won't have to make too many revisions and I can wrap it up within a week and submit the book to the publisher as well.

The second editing project I need to slate somewhere in my writing time is Fate and Destinies. It's one of labor of love stories which also makes me hesitant to get it ready to go out into the world. The editing on it is going to be grueling because it's an expanded story from the freebie of Fated. It's now over 105k and I'm second guessing how I decided to write it. I don't even know if I want to submit it somewhere or self-publish. I finished it March of last year and it's just sitting on my hard drive waiting for me to put on my big girl panties. >.<

Bespoken is talking to me but that's usually been in the middle of the night. I try to remember the ideas in the morning but most of the time what I remember just seems like jibberish. Once Releasing Chaos is finished Bespoken the next project and I would like to have some semblance to my thoughts when I sit down to pen it.

I noticed that the M/M Romance group over on GoodReads is gearing up for their Don't Read In The Closet event. I didn't participate last year. Part of the reason was because I didn't have the time to hang around there trying to nab a prompt that spoke to me, and the other was because I didn't have the time. Not really. But this year I'm thinking about participating again. If I can keep the project under 20k or so, I think I can swing it. I LOVE writing stories for prompts. It's almost like an addiction. And I was such a good girl last year.

BUT I'm afraid that I will only have time for one "just because it's fun" project and I had slated that to be an Urban Fantasy/Dystopia Biker MC story. I can't do both and keep to the writing schedule I planned for this year. The Valespian Pact folks would likely string me up by my toes if Bespoken was pushed back any further. I like my toes, thank you very much.

Decisions. Decisions. 

For today I'll some editing and putting my thoughts for Releasing Chaos on the whiteboard. (And I really wish I could get out of grocery shopping today but I'm afraid I have to bundle up and leave my warm house.) ^__^

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Cover Reveal: Sight and Sinners

We are very excited to welcome Susan Mac Nicol with us today. Susan is debuting her newest book with us, Sight and Sinners (Men of London #2). We have the Book Cover Reveal, Book Blurb, a Video Trailer and an Author Bio about Susan.

GGR-LB Cover Reveal

Sight and Sinners cover

Release Date:  February 23, 2015

GGR-LB Blurb

THE MEN OF LONDON From Charing Cross to Waterloo, there’s no escaping love.

SEEING THROUGH… 28-year-old Draven Samuels has a tragic past, but as an investigator with a high-profile London company he now gets what he wants. Tough, sarcastic, and sceptical, he has no patience for lies and even less for people who waste his time. Even if they’re as beautiful as the wild and dark-haired Taylor Abelard. Especially when they’re talking over the body of a murder victim.

THE DARKNESS Psychic Taylor Abelard is used to people calling him a freak. He can see past events and feel the ghostly vibrations of people close to him who've passed on. It’s why he doesn't get too close to the living. But this time, against his better judgment, despite Draven’s mocking rejoinders, Taylor will get closer than ever before. The mystery surrounding a dead friend will lead the two men down a dark and seedy trail of blackmail and lies. Add in the heartbreak of a family tragedy, and events lead them straight into each other’s arms. By the end of this night, all their demons will have risen—and been banished with the dawn.

SAS Cover Reveal 1

GGR-LB Author

LYS Mac Nicol Trademark

Susan Mac Nicol is a self confessed bookaholic, an avid watcher of videos of sexy pole dancing men, self confessed geek and nerd and in love with her Smartphone. This little treasure is called ‘the boyfriend’ by her long suffering husband, who says if it vibrated, there’d be no need for him. Susan hasn’t had the heart to tell him there’s an app for that… She is never happier than when sitting in the confines of her living room/study/on a cold station platform scribbling down words and making two men fall in love. She is a romantic at heart and believes that everything happens (for the most part) for a reason. She likes to think of herself as a ‘half full’ kinda gal, although sometimes that philosophy is sorely tested. Lover of walks in the forest, theatre productions, dabbling her toes in the cold North Sea and the vibrant city of London where you can experience all four seasons in a day , she is a hater of pantomime (so please don’t tar and feather her), duplicitous people, bigotry and self righteous idiots. In an ideal world, Susan Mac Nicol would be Queen of England and banish all the bad people to the Never Never Lands of Wherever -Who Cares. As that’s never going to happen, she contents herself with writing her HEA stories and pretending, that just for a little while, good things happen to good people.

GGR-LB Video Trailer

GGR-LB Giveaway

Blog Tour: The Protector by Jessie G, Excerpt & Giveaway

The Protector Final - 700H

The Protector Sizzling Miami #3 by Jessie G.

GGR-LB Blurb

There was a time when Master Saul Alvarez filled his days fighting and his nights teaching willing subs the pleasure of his whip. His compassionate understanding of the masochist mind makes him the most sought after professional sadist in the Miami BDSM community. Neither role invites long term relationships, but he’s comfortable with his solitary existence until he is charged with guarding Durango’s prized whore. One look into those terror filled eyes has him vowing to risk it all to save the beautiful man. Javier Escardo had been praying for death, but never expected the stone cold killer he got in response. One glimpse into those sinful eyes reveals not only the promise of retribution, but a reason to live. Eight years later, free and mostly sane, Javier is determined to take what belongs to him. Saul’s heart. Through hell and back, through layers of pain and shifting realities, that one truth has remained firm. His protector needs saving and he can’t do it alone. Hidden beneath the public persona, Kyle Jensen is a man who craves to be invisible without being insignificant. He longs to find a Master who will see his need to be taken over without abusing him and a lover who will care about him beyond the sexual games. It isn’t until he encounters the smoldering combination of Saul and Javier that he realizes it was never supposed to be just one partner at all. Can two battered hearts be mended by the love of a third? Kyle becomes the light to their darkness, and he’s willing to risk his heart for theirs, but when the past threatens Saul, will Javier’s sacrifice destroy them all?

Author’s Note: The Protector deals with issues of sexual abuse and forced prostitution. While these acts are not detailed on the page, there are many references to them and the ongoing fight to heal and overcome. This book should not be read by anyone who would be adversely affected by these references.

The Protector Tour Banner 2

GGR-LB Buy Link

GGR-LB Author

FAR Jessie G Bio Photo

Like many readers, the dream of being a writer has been with me a long time. After three decades of trying, I'd begun to doubt. Thanks to social media, I followed my favorite authors hoping to glean some words of wisdom as I pounded out half-formed ideas with alarming regularity. Two repetitive themes emerged: To be a great writer you must read a lot and your butt must be in the chair every day like it's a job. The more you write, the easier it will be to write and the better you will be at writing. I took that advice to heart and write every day. With two published books and counting, it's been amazing to have made this dream my reality.

I am a firm believer in marriage equality, love at first sight, power dynamics and happily ever after. I'm a lover of strong secondary characters and series filled with families, biological or chosen. All are themes you'll find throughout my books.

The Protector Tour Banner

GGR-LB Excerpt

If he had to look in those concerned eyes one more second he was going to lose his shit and he didn’t even know why. What he needed to do was get the ball rolling on their forty-eight hour fuck-fest. The clock was ticking and he refused to waste another second pondering things best left un-pondered. “So what’s the prize?”

“The prize?” Damn but Javier was cute with his nose wrinkled in confusion. Kyle couldn’t resist leaning in and rubbing his own against it, causing Javier to giggle. There it was again, boy on the cusp of discovery.

“For the winner of tongue tag, there’s got to be a prize.” Kyle pretended to think about it and rocked back against Saul, willing him into the game. “I know!”

Vibrating with anticipation, Javier pressed in close along his front, rubbing their cocks together and begged, “Tell me!”

And to think, Javier had called him adorable. “Winner gets to ride his cock.”

Saul rocked him forward and he could feel Javier automatically respond. Just like that they were one fluid movement, now if only Javier were willing to roll over and offer up his ass they could be one fluid fuck chain. Though he was content to be the bottom, Kyle just knew being the guy in the middle of Saul and this position...was going to rock his world. The whole staged ménage to get the right camera angle usually included a test of his dexterity and rarely came with a satisfying orgasm. This right here, the leisurely seductive rocking felt so intimate and….damn! Focus, he needed to focus on the moment and store that thought away for the future.

“Well then what’s the loser get?” Javier asked.

It was the perfect response. Not that he thought either of them was going to be selfish lovers, but it was always good to get confirmation. “Uhm, I guess that depends. I’m thinking some oral gratification would be a good consolation prize. Does he do that?”

“Saul? Why wouldn’t he?” Kyle had known many a top who thought it was beneath them to suck cock; apparently Javier never had that problem. “He’s really good, too.”

Hot damn! Did Saul suck cock the way he kissed, like he had all the time in the world to enjoy it? Kyle was so ready to experience that! “How good?”

“Like...” Javier chewed on his lower lip as he sought the right words. “Like mind numbing, toe curling, shake you apart and leave you begging for more, good.”

“Well now—” Kyle teased when he felt Saul’s smug smile against his nape. “—it’s not that I don’t trust your opinion, baby, but I should really judge that for myself.”

“Always best to experience these things first hand.” Javier nodded seriously. How was he to resist this pair, really?

“Are the two of you going to talk about it all morning or will there be actual tongue tagging soon?” Saul grumbled. “Not that this hasn’t been amusing, but one of you better make a move or I’m leaving you both here to suffer.”

“Suffer?” Kyle scoffed, “We’ll just fuck without you.”

Faster than he could think of why that challenge was such a bad idea, Saul flipped him onto his stomach and pinned him. With Javier squeaking and scurrying back, and Saul giving him his best early morning glare, Kyle could not find a single thing to regret in his statement. In fact, it was all he could do not to pat himself on the back and whoop out an enthusiastic Hell Yes!

“I would’ve thought a smart pup like you wouldn’t need this spelled out for him. My pups don’t fuck without me and back talk like that will make me impose further sanctions,” Saul warned.

Kyle really wanted to push his luck. If not for Javier watching them curiously, he would have aimed for the back talker of the year award.

GGR-LB Giveaway

The Protector Tour Stops

This blog, Loving Without Limits, is giving 2 lucky readers a chance to win a Kindle e-copy of The Protector by Jessie G, all you need to do to enter is leave a comment below. Comments must be time/date stamped by Midnight Pacific time on February 21st, to be eligible. The winners will be selected at random on February 22nd, and notified via email for prize delivery. (Void where prohibited) Best of Luck!

Tour Wide Giveaway for a Single Winner via Rafflecopter A eBook of The Protector in MOBI Signed Paperbacks of Past Hurts and For a Reason $25 Amazon Gift Card

GGR-LB Blog Banner

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Catching Up On Some Reading & What's Coming This Week

I haven't posted my reading list in a couple of weeks because I was pushing to finish Dragon's Eye. But before we jump right in...


Coming this week there will be a giveaway on the blog. Jessie J. will be a guest on Monday (tomorrow), February 15, and if you leave a comment on the blog post you'll be entered into one of two giveaways Jessie is going.

Plus there will the cover reveal for Susan Mac Nicol's newest release, Sight and Sinners (Men of London #2).


So the reading list is loooonnnnggg. It's a mixture of M/F and MFM and M/M.

Purrfect Protector by SA Welsh #M/M #Shifters #AlternateWorld
The Oracle's Golem by Mell Eight #M/M  #Fantasy
Primal Desire by Lupa Garneal #M/M #Shifters
To Catch a Threeve by Alexis Duran #M/M #Fantasy #Reread
Midnight Run by Bailey Bradford #M/M #Shifters #ShortSnack
Run With The Moon by Bailey Bradford #M/M #Shifter #Dystopia
The Biker's Pup by Sean Michael #Bikers #M/M #Contemporary #BDSM #ShortSnack
Quinn's Gambit by Angel Martinez and Bellora Quinn #M/M #AlternateWorld #Paranormal #UrbanFantasy #Reread
Saving Sam by Nikka Michaels #M/M #Paranormal #ShortSnack
Writing Your Own Ransom Note Sam Schooler by #M/M #Paranormal #ShortSnack
Inspiration For Hire by Coral Moore #M/M #Paranormal #ShortSnack #MFSex
Devil's Game by Joanna Wylde #MF #Contemporary #Bikers
Reaper's Property by Joanna Wylde #MF #Contemporary #Bikers
Vices by Nash Summers #M/M  #Dystopia #RomanceButNotRomance
Double Trouble By Ruby Dixon #MFM #Contemporary #Bikers #ShortSnack
Packing Double By Ruby Dixon #MFM #Contemporary #Bikers #ShortSnack
Off Limits by Ruby Dixon #MF #Contemporary #Bikers #ShortSnack
Through The Last Door by J.A. Jaken #M/M #Fantasy #Action/Adventure
Reaper's Legacy by Joanna Wylde #MF #Contemporary #Bikers

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Alpha Trine Audiobook

Imagine Alpha Trine on audio.

I'm so freaking thrilled. I knew it was coming this year. I had to jot down a pronunciation guide for the narrator last fall.

Last month I had a small freak out because I had this thought that names were going to sound like gibberish and all the flaws in the prose would have this huge spotlight on it. And you gotta think that sometimes the narrator hits the pause button to ask himself, "What the hell?"

And then I got over it. 

The audiobook would be what it would be and my worrying did absolutely nothing to help me. Then I promptly forgot about it until the other day when the publisher sent me my author copy.

I was so excited I couldn't sit still. I was like, "To hell with the editing! It can wait until tomorrow!" I grabbed the blanket I've been crocheting this winter and sat down to listen.

Briefly I was afraid I would begin to pick everything apart. "I should've used a different word choice." Or "I should've had the conversation go in this direction." Blah. Blah. Blah.

Nope. I was enthralled with hearing someone put a voice to the words that I wrote. My husband made fun of me because I giggled like a little girl every time the narrator first said Mar'Sani and Atlainticia and Canry and Ashari and Valdor and... you get the gist. I laughed at the jokes as if I heard them for the first time. I whooped when he nailed how Ton spoke to Dargon and... it was so Awesome to listen to. Alpha Trine was such a labor of love, and listening as a reader and not the author, I fell in love all over again.

Pencil in the date. The audiobook will be available at Audible, Amazon, and iTunes at the end of February.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Cover for Dreams of the Forgotten

I've been such a slacker. This was supposed to go up, ohhhh like Tuesday and I kept putting it off trying to get the edits finished on Dragons' Eye. Now it's the end of the week and I'm like, "What the hell happened to Wednesday?"

Here is the new cover for Dreams of the Forgotten (Sumeria's Sons, #3) and just... just... look at it! I love the shadow coming out of the journal. London made this so much more than I'd anticipated.

Dreams of the Forgotten is now up for pre-order at Less Than Three Press. You can find the listing Here. I just checked the link and the pre-order is 32% off which is Awesome! April 15th is the release date.


For Tristan and Ushna, nothing comes easy and with each passing day the challenges grow and the dangers multiply. The safe home they are building for their family and tribe is threatened from all sides, and the peace they seek is being torn apart by enemies and internal strife. Tristan dares not reveal his condition to any but those closest to him, all the while he's plagued by dreams he cannot remember upon waking...

And over all of it hangs the knowledge that his time with Ushna is running out. Because Ushna already has a Flame awaiting rebirth, and though Tristan would die to protect that bond, he constantly struggles against his beast who demands they bind Ushna to their side.

Here's a Bonus. The interlude A New Beginning (Sumeria's Sons, 2.5) is releasing March 4th. And it's FREE people. Check it out Here.


Gregori and Juan have been dancing around each other since the fateful day when Juan gave his blood oath to Tristan Janick, and they were both swept up in the chaos that Tristan has brought to their worlds. But dangerous ghosts haunt Gregori and even the fierce, compelling Juan and the pull between them is not enough to override his desire to keep everyone safe by leaving the only place he wants to stay...

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Super Secret Excerpt from Dragon's Eye (Sumeria's Sons, 5)

I was going to combine the cover reveal for Dreams of the Forgotten (Sumeria's Sons, #3) with the excerpt from Dragon's Eye but the blog title looked wacked. So they are now officially split up into two separate posts.

I've been terrible at blog posts the last couple of weeks because I've been really pushing to complete Dragon's Eyes. I have to get this bad boy to the publisher SOON. Life threw a couple of curve balls that threw of my well intended writing schedule when Dad was diagnosed with cancer in October and then passed away in November. At the same time edits and galleys for Keeping Faith, The Aurora Conspiracy, Songs of the Earth, and Dreams of the Forgotten were passed back and forth from October 23rd thru mid December. LT3 Press and Fireborn Publishing were sympathetic and accommodating which I was so thankful for. Even then I was editing something or another for weeks on end and didn't get to write new word until  after December 15th. Honestly, some of it I don't remember and I'm thankful again that I didn't screw up too badly.

I'm a linear writer. Skipping around in a story messes with the mojo, but I had actually started Dragon's Eye over a year ago but put things on hold to find new homes for my stories. While working on other things, I'd made a couple of changes to how I wanted Dragon's Eye to be told. The first four Sumeria's Sons books were told from Tristan's POV but to go forward he couldn't possibly be in all the places he needed to be for the story to unfold properly. Several readers had commented how they would like to see Ushna's POV and I thought it would be a great idea but if I gave him a POV then I would have to give another character a POV as well. Could I have that many POV's in my head and keep them to their own separate personalities? Good question.

So in December when I started working on Dragon's Eye again, I realized that it needed to start off with Ushna's POV. I wrote 12k and it was like pulling freakin' teeth and I realized I had to push the timeline back to an earlier, and again, earlier period in order to for Ushna to tell his story. Which meant I scraped another 15k until I found the right spot.

Now for those of you have already read the Sumeria's Sons that was published by Silver Publishing, you know what happened in book four, Surrounded by Crimson. That place where Ushna completely loses his mind. Yes, that was where I started Dragon's Eye.

But there was a problem. Dad had passed only six weeks before. I struggled with that dark place grief took my writing and Ushna was bleeding all over the white pages. The beginning was way too dark, and again I deleted--I didn't know how many thousands of words trying to temper the emotion going into the story. It wasn't until around January 5th that everything fell together and the story took off. The 17k that I had saved from over a year ago, I could only save 7k because the rest just didn't apply anymore.

On Friday, February 6th I finished Dragon's Eye. Whoo-hoo!! Now I have to edit it and hopefully have it in the publisher's mailbox by the weekend (finger's crossed). It came in at 93k but with editing that number will change. I would've started editing on Saturday but I had to write an interlude that happens before Dragon's Eye. I finished A Child's Wish (Sumeria's Sons, #4.5) late Sunday night.

I'm feeling pretty accomplished right now and wanted to share an excerpt but the problem is if you haven't read Surrounded by Crimson then this will give out **SPOILERS**. (The re-release of Surrounded by Crimson is July-ish if you want to bookmark this post for later.)

That is why I called this blog post "Super Secret". So don't read any further if you don't want to be spoiled.

****Warning Spoilers Ahead if you haven't read Surrounded By Crimson (Sumeria's Sons, #4) go back NOW!****

****Not Kidding, Go Back Now****

****This is your last chance. Return to the ship****

****You have been given fair warning. Grab a tissue.****

Chapter One

Ashur followed behind me carrying Tristan whose body was battered and broken. The cry of our new born pups proceeded me. Their birth was supposed to be a wondrous occasion, but through treachery and lies, that was stolen from us. Instead of the happy occasion, I feared Tristan was dying.

There was so much blood. The damage to his body overwhelmed my senses. I was afraid if I didn't keep my eyes on him, if I turned my back for a second too long his Flame would slip away. So we ran through the cursed caverns that wouldn't allow me to touch my wolf or feel the song of the earth. Ashur's harsh commands to hurry purred be on faster but I had to look behind me, I had to see with my own eyes that Tristan was still with us, still fighting.

The scars… I couldn't care less but Tristan might. I vowed I would spend the rest of my life showing him how beautiful he was to me—but first we had to get him out into the open.

I glanced back. "Hurry, Ashur."

The corridor seemed much longer than when we'd came in. Glancing over my shoulder again to ensure Ashur followed closely, my impatience caused a snarl to rumble in my throat. Tristan's skin was a gray-blue, stark and sickly against Ashur's rich mahogany tone. With every passing moment we were losing him.

"Please." I don't know if I begged Ashur to go faster or if it was a plea to the Gods to spare Tristan's life.

When we entered the darkened corridor carved from the bedrock, I heard Tristan sigh. For months he'd been teaching me how to listen to the Earth and I could practically feel her rush to him. Hurriedly I climbed the stairs, my foot slipping on the wet step in my rush to finally get outside.

The open air had never smelled so good, filling my lungs with the scents of life. My wolf stirred, frantic for our mate. I reached to take Tristan from Ashur, but he dodged my gasp moving off to the side. His low voice had a musical as he chanted in a language I didn't recognize and next to him a hole formed in the ground.

"What are you doing? You said all we had to do was get him outside?" Why was Ashur not singing the song for healing? I reached again to take Tristan from Ashur's arms. Tristan was teaching me the complex chant, but Ashur was Tristan's tutelary, he knew what to ask the Earth for and how. Why was he not begging for the Earth to safe Tristan's life? She wouldn't say no. She'd never say no to Tristan because she adored him.

It took a moment for the haze of my frantic thoughts to subside enough to realize Ashur was talking and then another for me to process the meaning of his words. What did he mean he couldn't restore Tristan's health?

With rising alarm I said, "You've been teaching him how to sing to the Earth. Why can't you do that now?"

Ashur dodged my grasp, laying Tristan in the hole atop the dark loamy soil. Something eased in me seeing Tristan in contact with the ground, although the Earth didn't rush up to him as I'd expected. She never missed an opportunity to touch him… until now. Instead I felt power build until my bones ached and the snakes on my chest writhed in discomfort.

I stared down, searching for the source of the energy, sure that at any moment, whatever it was would show itself. My gaze continued to return to Tristan with his ruined eyed, his torso ravaged and gaping. Never had I seen him so vulnerable, so small, the very sight calling to the caretaker within me.

Tearing my gaze away, I confronted Ashur who was pleading with me. "I teach him the songs but She doesn't respond to me."

An ancient sadness shone in Ashur's visage but I didn't care. I had trusted him to save Tristan. Never had I been so filled with such useless rage. I didn't understand what Ashur was saying. Who was he talking about? The Earth? He was the king's tutelary so why wouldn't the Earth answer his call?

Desperation rose up and I barked, "Why the fuck not?"

"Because I took the wrong side in a war, now I'm forever separated from Her."

What did that have to do with the here and now? I didn't care if he'd lost something or someone. My Tristan was dying and all he could do was talk. Ashurs' dark pleading gaze held mine and I suddenly understood. I glanced back down at Tristan lying in a bed of fresh dark soil.

A grave.

"No! You cannot mean to do this. He's not dead!" I jumped into the hole, Tristan's single eye staring at me with clarity despite the state of his body. His chest rose and fell with each labored breath. There was still time. I could save him.

With the strength of the God he was, Ashur grasped me around the waist and easily hauled me away from Tristan.

I went mad.

I fought and screamed and begged. First Brian and now Tristan. How was I to stay behind? I pleaded with Ashur to allow me to go with Tristan. We'd travelled through the Earth together before, we could do it again. I could sing to the Earth and beg for her help.

It wasn't too late.

Then Ashur chanted and the soil covered Tristan, taking him from my sight. I roared with fury, thrashing and clawing at Ashur's hands. I vowed vengeance for this act of betrayal. Silently Ashur held me as I beat and wailed upon him trying to free myself from his steely grasp. He whisper continuously, "I am sorry but this had to be done," in my ear. Grief stained my cheeks and I hated Ashur all the more because it didn't have to be like this. He had no right to take Tristan from me.

Only when I was utterly spent and left gasping for breath, my muscles weak and trembling did Ashur release me. Collapsing onto my hands and knees, I dug my fingers into the loose dirt and sang, my voice hoarse and broken. I bid the earth to come and help her child in need. Were we not created from her soil? Did we not rest in bosom, waiting for rebirth? Did she not love Tristan above all? I thought she did. Desperately I wanted to believe that her behavior toward Tristan meant he was special to her.

And I raise my voice in song, pushing everything I felt for Tristan into my request. In the end, she rose up to sooth me, but she didn't reply to my plea. She didn't bring Tristan back to me.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cover Reveal for Jessie J's "The Protector"

The landscape of Miami is already HOT HOT HOT! Jessie G is bringing even more HOTNESS with her 3rd book in the Sizzling Miami Series. We would like to introduce you to Master Saul Alvarez, Javier Escardo and Kyle Jensen our Main Characters and Models for "The Protector" Book Cover.

The Cover Reveal

The Protector Final - 700H 
Release Date for The Protector is on February 13th

The Book Description

There was a time when Master Saul Alvarez filled his days fighting and his nights teaching willing subs the pleasure of his whip. His compassionate understanding of the masochist mind makes him the most sought after professional sadist in the Miami BDSM community. Neither role invites long term relationships, but he’s comfortable with his solitary existence until he is charged with guarding Durango’s prized whore. One look into those terror filled eyes has him vowing to risk it all to save the beautiful man. Javier Escardo had been praying for death, but never expected the stone cold killer he got in response. One glimpse into those sinful eyes reveals not only the promise of retribution, but a reason to live. Eight years later, free and mostly sane, Javier is determined to take what belongs to him. Saul’s heart. Through hell and back, through layers of pain and shifting realities, that one truth has remained firm. His protector needs saving and he can’t do it alone. Hidden beneath the public persona, Kyle Jensen is a man who craves to be invisible without being insignificant. He longs to find a Master who will see his need to be taken over without abusing him and a lover who will care about him beyond the sexual games. It isn’t until he encounters the smoldering combination of Saul and Javier that he realizes it was never supposed to be just one partner at all. Can two battered hearts be mended by the love of a third? Kyle becomes the light to their darkness, and he’s willing to risk his heart for theirs, but when the past threatens Saul, will Javier’s sacrifice destroy them all?

Protector Teaser

Jessie G. Bio

FAR Jessie G Bio Photo

Like many readers, the dream of being a writer has been with me a long time. After three decades of trying, I'd begun to doubt. Thanks to social media, I followed my favorite authors hoping to glean some words of wisdom as I pounded out half-formed ideas with alarming regularity. Two repetitive themes emerged: To be a great writer you must read a lot and your butt must be in the chair every day like it's a job. The more you write, the easier it will be to write and the better you will be at writing. I took that advice to heart and write every day. With two published books and counting, it's been amazing to have made this dream my reality. I am a firm believer in marriage equality, love at first sight, power dynamics and happily ever after. I'm a lover of strong secondary characters and series filled with families, biological or chosen. All are themes you'll find throughout my books.

Jessie G. Social Links

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