Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top 20 Favorite Reads For 2014

Last year I picked out the 10 favorite reads and I had such a hard time choosing. This year I expanded to the top 20 favorites to spread the love a little more. My favorites are books that stick with me in someway--the plot, the characters, the writing--and they aren't necessarily perfect but they evoke a feeling in me, make me feel good in some way. They are books that I will go back to and reread at a later date.  Because I buy more books than I can read, a few of these are older, from author's back lists, others are newish. These are in no particular order. If it's a series I'll only post the cover of the first book and if you click on the titles it will take you to the book page in amazon so you can read the blurb and such.

I had a tough time deciding between Internment or Snow on Spirit Bridge by Freddy MacKay. Both are have a Japanese folklore/mythical characters as love interests. Whereas Internment is set after WWII, Snow on Spirit Bridge can be considered a current holiday story. They are both gems and if I start telling you everything that I loved I would end up telling you the whole story. Since she's better at that than I am, read the books. You won't regret it.

The Dragon's Hoard series by Mell Eight. There are four books in this series, and even though I loved two of the four more, the whole series is wonderful. If I had to give one word to describe it, that would be "precious".

They are available on audio if you're so inclined. That is how I read Finding the Wolf. I listen to it on a road trip and then read the others as soon as they were loaded onto my e-reader. These are all about different dragon's as well as other paranormals. I've always read about the scary dragons so this was my first hoarding dragon book. The scenery was easy to picture and some of the other dragons, O.M.G., like I said, precious--and funny.

The Bestiary collection is 4 volumes. I read a lot of anthologies because sometimes I don't have time to get wrapped up in a novel. This collection of paranormal stories was excellent. There wasn't a story that I didn't like and I was so disappointed when I read the last one because I wanted more of them. I bought them in paperback form but you can purchase individual stories.

Because I so loved The Bestiary collection, I went looking for more and found the Fairytales Slashed anthologies. There are five volumes and the first one went pretty quick for me. The stories were very short in the beginning and then later took on more meat. I didn't realize until later that the stories were all inner connected in some way.

I picked Boots for the Gentleman by Gus Li and Eon De Beaumont up at Rainbow Con and wow. It's a mixture of steampunk and fantasy all rolled into one. This is part of the Steamcraft and Sorcery series and does evolve into a menage relationship. You have your thief, your respectable librarian, and a very human-like clockwork doll. Add in a fairy noble and civil war and you have a plot driven story with great characters. It is part of a trilogy so I'll be reading the next book in the series in the coming year. I definitely need to set aside some reading time for the next book because putting this one down was hard.

No Ocean Too Deep by Leona Carnver is labeled as Sci-Fi but I thought of it more as a high fantasy read. A civil war is being fought and the seafolk form an alliance with Amirzade Sharouk against the Republic. The battle couldn't have been won without the assistance of the seafolk's leviathans but one of them takes off with a very important human. The leviathan's caretaker, Nil is paired up with a warlord and thus begins their harrowing journey. I loved every page. Carver drew such vivid pictures of the seafolk and how utterly different they were from the humans. The action was great, and I loved how the two moved from enemies to lovers--well the last is implied because there isn't any sex in the book. There's a reason for that but I'm not telling. ^_^

Texas & Tarantulas by Bailey Bradford is the second book in the Dark Nights and Headlights series. I would suggest the books be read in order for a full understanding of the mystery and the reason an assassin was sent to take out Trent and his brother. I did like the first book, but this one, I loved the inside look at Trent and his love interest. Yes, this is a paranormal story with shifters, just not shifter tarantulas. I enjoyed the hell out of it and gobbled it up in one sitting.

The Heart of the Kingdom by Sasha Miller is the 'what comes after the fairy tale ends' story. So, I quit reading the blurbs for Sasha's books because they are auto-buys. I didn't know what I was getting into when I cracked this open and loved every minute of it. I'm not telling which fairy tale because it would give stuff away. I loved the twists and turns--and there's a sequel which makes me immensely happy.

Dragon Slayer by Isabella Carter is another book I picked up at Rainbow Con. This is the first book I've read by Carter and I am clamoring for more. Prince Ingram is considered a coward and a weakling by his father because the sight of blood makes him faint and he can't wield a sword to save his life. He's a brilliant tactician but because he's not a brute his father finds Ingram a failure. His father shuttles him off to be married into a family the king suspects is plotting against the crown and wants Ingram to find the evidence against his new husband. This has an awesome intricate plot and I've been told that there is a sequel in the making. Can't. Wait.

Ashes and Echoes by Gus Li is another Rainbow Con purchase. This is a trilogy and the relationship between the three men mature across the length of the series. A knight, the powerful nephew to the king, and an impostor come together to save the kingdom. But it's never that easy. The nephew, Yarroway, is hiding a secret and is barely holding onto his sanity. Don't expect book one to have a perfect relationship ending. It's not possible with what is going on with Yarroway. This isn't a quick read and took me a couple of days because I didn't have time to get it all done in one sitting which was completely frustrating. And distracting.

It was really hard to pick a book of Megan Derr's that I enjoyed most. This year I read Black Magic, The Engineered Throne, Prisoner, A Suitable Replacement,  the Dance with the Devil series, and they were all amazing. What I am picking for my list is the Princes of the Blood series. Of Last Resort is the first book and all about the under dog, the hero that no one expects. I wanted more, and more, and more of Raffe. Plus I loved the world.

The THIRDS series by Charlie Cochet starts with Hell & High Water. An excellent urban fantasy where a virus sweets through humanity and some people become shifters. THIRDS is the organization that polices these new paranormals. Dex is hilarious and Sloan is yummy. The side characters are awesome helping to make this a well rounded and engaging read.

Last year Claimings, Tails, and Other Alien Artifacts made my top 10 favorites. When Assimilation, Love, and Other Human Oddities released I was all over this bad boy. Was not disappointed in the least. I read it twice in one sitting. If you're looking for fantastic world building, a tad bit of bondage, great characters, and some alien lovin', give this series a try. It's 10 kinds of awesome.

Dangerous Beauty by Tali Spencer is the second book in the Pride of Uttor series. These can be read as standalones. The first book is a M/F pairing so it may not be for the strict M/M readers. I still read M/F romance but I'm very picky. Dangerous Beauty was so rich, and Spencer's story telling was lush and evocative that when I finished I went back and purchased and read Captive Heart, the first book in the series. Both are fantastic and I'm told there are more to come. That makes me a very happy girl.

Loving Jay by Renae Kaye is not a book I would've picked for myself. As you can see from the pickings above, I don't read very much contemporary romance. I vetted this for a friend who wanted to read it but couldn't deal with something angsty-- and ended up absolutely loving it. The humor--freakin' loved the humor. Jay was the bomb. This is told from Liam's POV. He's struggling with lots of issues and questioning his sexuality isn't something he wants to deal with but he keeps noticing Jay. It was fun and made me laugh and feel good.

The Brimstone series by Angel Martinez begins with Hell for the Company. These novellas are perfect for reading in one sitting without needing to shirk my work to get it finished. I love Angel's books but I have a special place in my heart for Shax, the Demon Prince of Thieves. I could read a dozen of Shax's misadventures and not get tired of him. Also, if sci-fi is your thing, check out A Christmas Cactus for the General. A holiday story about an alien exiled to Earth and attempting to acclimate himself to the shocking and weird human customs.

What is this? Number 17. Making sure I'm not going over my 20 picks. Acrobat by Mary Calmes. I had no idea that I was such a sap for a mob bad boy. This one I listened to on audiobook and the narrator for Andreo, holy hell. Light my fire, it was awesome to listen to. Andreo is the bodyguard for a mob boss and his neighbor Nathan is a middle aged college professor. To be honest I don't usually read books about professors or contemporary but I've learned that I can put myself in Mary's hands and she'll take care of me. I've actually listened to this three times this year.

The Chosen by J.C. Owens has been sitting for a long time on my e-reader. Part of the reason was because of the blurb. I bought it because I love Owens but I figured I would have to be in the mood to read about a god's lover. The blurb is deceiving. This is a Fantasy/Sci-Fi. I adored Mikon, and as with Owens there is that balance between the push/pull of attraction but you can go pound sand attitude that I enjoy. Awesome book.

Side Note: There has been some hoopla over this publishing company. I bought this long before I heard the rumors but I didn't want to leave this out of my favorites because it deserves to be noticed. If you already have it, read it. If not, check with J.C. Owens.

Last year the first book in this series, Old Loyalty, New Love, made my favorites even though I was miffed with Quade's old pack. I really wanted him to tell them to go pound sand and give them the finger. And yet, I still loved it and adored the hell out of Roman. So I bought this and didn't read the blurb. (Yes, a habit.) Lord have mercy, loved it. This isn't about Quade and Roman but head of security, Armon, and frosty Linus. Freakin' loved Armon's 'I don't care' attitude and he really means it. Linus is bad ass. I can't say any more because it would give away spoilers. I have to say that Fighting Instinct (so far) is my favorite of the series.

The Prince He Loved by Michael Barnette is a great match between honored mercenary warrior and royalty on the run. This an awesome romantic sci-fi that is low on the angst with great world building and a plot driven storyline. I wanted to take Augustus home with me. *fans self*

Bonus: Caterpillar: The Exended version by Ashlyn Forge. I wanted to point out this series, Chyslis and Kings, as one to watch for. I read the free short, and really enjoyed it even though I really hated Lyndel until the very end where the story left me needing more. I found a note from the author on GoodReads and part of it says, "I don't often write characters to be liked. In fact, I have a rule that the reader must absolutely loathe each of my main characters, at least once (good guy or bad guy) because how else will you know your love is real."

The world building and the characters really hold onto you even when you want to kill one the characters. A week or so ago, Ashlyn came out with the extended version which I immediately bought and will be reading shortly. It is part of a trilogy and I'm looking forward to sinking into this world but I'm also prepared to hate the characters a little bit. ^_^

Thank you for stopping by and reading. Have a safe New Year's Eve and I hope the new year to come is freaking awesome!!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Weekly reading list. What Are You Reading?

Even for a busy week I was able to squeeze in some new reads. I'm trying to pick out my favorites for the year that will go up on the blog on the 31st. That's harder said than done. I think I may have to cheat. But in the meantime, here's what I've enjoyed this week. ^_^ Have have you read?

A Matter of Time, Vol. 2 by Mary Calmes #Audio #Contemporary #Reread #INeverReadTheseInOrder #TheWeirdnessOfMe
Floodgates by May Calmes #Audio #Contemporary #Mystery #Reread
Old Loyalty, New Love by Mary Calmes #Audio #Paranormal #Reread
Fighting Instinct by Mary Calmes #Paranormal #Reread
Creature Feature 2 by Poppy Dennison & Rhys Ford #Paranormal
King of Me by RA Kaitland #Holiday #Paranormal
Chestnuts Roasting by Mischief Corner #Anthology #Holiday

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Between Life & Death Blog Tour with Guest Post by LM Brown

Voyeurism in a Ménage

Hello everyone.  First of all, thank you for having me here today to talk about the final book in my Heavenly Sins trilogy.  It has been a long time in coming, but it is finally available for those who want to read the conclusion of Tristan, Mac and Alastor’s story.

First of all, I have to warn that this blog post contains spoilers for the previous two books in the series.  I’m sorry, I do try to avoid putting spoilers in my blog posts, but for this book there is very little I can say about it that won’t reveal at least one spoiler.  It won’t reveal any major spoilers for the final instalment of the trilogy however.

Now, back to the topic at hand, voyeurism in a ménage.  I suppose, in a way, there is always an element of voyeurism when there are three in a relationship.  Yes, there are lots of inventive ways that all three participants can come together at the same time, but it won’t always be practical.  In the case of Tristan, Mac and Alastor, it is now impossible.

Tristan is now a prisoner in the Underworld and as such Mac, as an angel, is out of his reach.  Angels are forbidden from entering the demonic realm and none of the trio has the power to get past the barrier between them.  How then do they keep their ménage alive?

Tristan, prisoner though he is, has a lot of new powers, one of which enables him to see anything happening on Earth, including his two lovers. 

Mac too can see Tristan and Alastor when he is in the realm of angels, where he has access to the Pool of Visions, which can show him anything, including the Underworld.

Unfortunately for the trio, when Mac is in the realm of angels Tristan cannot see him, so they have no way of communicating face to face.  In short, it all comes down to Alastor.  As a demon he can enter the Underworld and since he has his freedom he can be with Mac as well, just as he was before.

And that is where the real voyeurism in this story begins. 

For Tristan and Mac, watching each other come together with Alastor is the closest they can get to keeping their ménage functional. 

Is it as much fun as it sounds?  Well, maybe not.  Watching your two lovers together is all well and good when you’re right there with them and have the option to participate with them.  But when you’re trapped and unable to touch one of your lovers it isn’t quite all it’s cracked up to be, as Tristan quickly discovers.


With one of his lovers imprisoned in the Underworld, Mac has no choice except to go where most angels fear to tread.

With Tristan imprisoned in the Underworld, the ménage is broken. Angels are forbidden to enter the demonic domain and while Mac has been breaking rules in recent months, he doesn’t have the power to enter the Underworld.

Alastor is still unsure about his position in the relationship following recent revelations, but he cannot walk away when he is the only real link between his two lovers. Splitting his time between Mac and Tristan, he hopes they can soon find a way to reunite the two men in his life.

As time moves on, Alastor realizes he is struggling to satisfy Tristan’s thirst for sex. His lover needs more than he can give him and craves Mac in his bed.

Mac still believes he can complete his mission to save his two lovers, but with one of them out of his reach, it is going to be far from easy.

During their time together they have made plenty of enemies, including one who would seek to separate them forever, even if it means biding his time until Alastor and Tristan are at their most vulnerable, when even the love of an angel can’t save them.

Buy Links: Totally Bound |  Coming to other online stores in January 2015.


Tristan ached to join them, but all he could do was watch. Sometimes he wondered whether his suggestion had been the best idea he had ever had or the worst.

He adored watching his lovers come together, yet the need to join them often overwhelmed him.

Alastor began visiting Tristan right after he had been with Mac. Unless they had been together in the shower or bathtub, Tristan could still smell the scent of the angel on his demon lover.

Tristan had never been opposed to rimming either of his lovers, but these days it was becoming one of his favorite activities. Tasting Alastor right after Mac had fucked him was the closest he could get to his angel and he craved that closeness with a need bordering on obsession.

“Are you okay?” Alastor asked him one night after Tristan had rimmed him before fucking him into the mattress.

“Yes, was I too rough with you?” Tristan leaned up on his elbow and gazed down at Alastor. “You seemed pretty stretched from Mac, so I didn’t use as much lube. You’ve got to tell me if I’m hurting you more than you can handle.”

“I’m fine,” Alastor replied. “But I’m not sure you are. You just seem even more hungry than usual.”

“I told you before… I’m always hungry these days.”

“I know, but you seem to be getting worse.”

“I just need a bit more sex than usual. As much as I enjoy watching you with Mac, wanking to the sight doesn’t help me. I need contact with a lover to feed.”

Alastor sat up and kissed Tristan on the lips. “If you need me here more frequently, or for longer periods, all you have to do is say.”

“I can’t fuck you continually.”

“If that’s what you need, I’m sure Mac will understand.”

Tristan shook his head. “I won’t do that. It’s too dangerous for you.”

“I trust you, baby.” Alastor pulled Tristan into his arms. “I know you won’t go too far.”

“I won’t risk taking your life. I can handle the hunger. It’s just taking a bit of getting used to.”

“Are you sure?”

“No, but we don’t have any choice.”


L.M. Brown lives in England, in a quaint little village time doesn't seem to have touched. No, wait a minute—that's the retirement biography. Right now, she is in England in a medium sized town no one has ever heard of, so she won't bore you with the details. Keeping her company are numerous sexy men. She just wishes they weren't all inside her head.

L.M. believes there is nothing hotter or sweeter than two men in love with each other… unless it is three.

L.M. Brown loves hearing from readers so don't be shy.


Where to find L.M. Brown
Twitter - @LMBrownAuthor 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

What Are You Reading?

Little bit of self promo before I type up my weekly reading list. I'm Author of the month over at Less Than Three Press and all my titles are 20% off. That means that my up coming release, Songs of the Earth is 36% off. Awesome! :) Just sayin'.

The edits for Dreams of the Forgotten was turned in early this week so you'd think that I would have more reading under my belt by today. I've been working on Dragon's Eye which has included a lot of cross-referencing to make sure that the correct details carry over. I still have several blog posts to write for Songs' blog tour. >.< I'm in that, "I don't wanna!!!" stage. ^_^

Michigan by Vicktor Alexander #Vampire
Acrobat by Mary Calmes #Audo #Reread #Contemporary #RussianMob #HolyCrapThatVoice
Ilya and the Wolf by Rory Ni Coileain #Holiday #Paranormal #QuickRead
Creature Feature 2 by Poppy Dennison and Rhys Ford
Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows, Book 1) by Kim Harrison #UrbanFantasy #Audio
Victorious Star (Interstellar Service & Discipline, #1) by Morgan Hawke #MMF #Sci-Fi #Fantasy #Erotic

Friday, December 19, 2014

Release Blitz: Through the Last Door by J.A. Jaken

Author Name: J.A. Jaken

Book Title: Through the Last Door

Publisher: White Owl Publishing

Book Length: 135,000 words (326 pages)

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure, M/M Romance

Book Release Date: 12/19/2014

Book Description

When Kaori Sansa’s father dies, he is forced to return home to claim the throne as the rightful heir of the country of Kazure. In the aftermath of his father’s death, he learns that the country he loves is riddled with corruption, and is hovering on the brink of war. Will he be able to hold the kingdom together despite the odds that are stacked against it, and somehow unlock the buried powers of Shinja, the Sacred Beast of Kazure?

Author Bio:

J.A. Jaken has been writing homoerotic fiction for more than ten years. She got her start in the profession writing slash fanfiction, where she has published numerous stories under the pen-name Rushlight. Over the years she has written erotic short stories and novels in genres ranging from science fiction/fantasy to gothic horror to modern detective mysteries. Outside of writing, her interests include studying foreign languages, practicing martial arts, riding horses, and collecting medieval weaponry.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Reading Reviews

I have to admit that since Keeping Faith released I've been tempted to go to GoodReads or Amazon to read reviews or at the very least check out the star rating so that I can gauge how it's faring.

As a mental health policy, I don't read reviews unless the book has been out a long time--and even then, I do so with a big dose of alcohol courage. I support reviewer rights to express their opinion about the books they read, however they want to express themselves. The hard part is where I go out and willfully read the criticism in an attempt to glean something I can take away to make my stories better.

And honestly, the only thing that I really want to know is if anyone liked the book. I don't need the details unless I need to know how a certain character or plot aspect was received.

So I have a policy. "Don't go hunting trouble."

But that doesn't mean I don't read reviews. I do. Every day. They're just not mine. I'm a reader too and money is tight. With the advent of the e-book, if I find in the first couple of chapters that the book isn't for me, I can't give it away to someone who would enjoy it more than me. Instead, it sits on the virtual book shelf and gathers electronic dust. With a tight budget, I have to be more frugal with my book budget. So I find reviewers who have the sames tastes/likes that I have and gauge whether or not I want to take the final step and purchase the book. ^__^

Every day I get a slew of emails from sites and blogs I subscribe to. (Sometimes it seems I keep adding to the list because there are more and more emails to wade through.) It's great because I can keep a finger on what's coming out. I share book blasts and giveaways, read reviews, and occasionally I'll come across a review for one of my own books.

I'll admit that I'm not afraid to read reviews from the websites I subscribe to. It's a trust thing. I've read the reviews of their reviewers (what a mouthful) and even if they don't like the book, the information is clear and constructive. I still hold my breath while reading because I want people to like my stories.

With the release of Keeping Faith, I've had this itch to find out what people think. Contemporary is not my writing comfort zone. Many people loved Playing For Keeps and I felt like I was messing with fire writing the sequel.

I braved GoodReads and there was all of three written reviews and I admit it was really, really nice to read they liked the book in varying degrees. Not everyone liked the book, and I'm okay with that. I did glean some useful information from the reviews--predictability and the kidnapping scene wasn't taken as serious I thought it was, but like I said, writing contemporary isn't my strong point. I would like to get better at it which means learning from my previous endeavors.

So just in case Tina or Gigi read the blog... Thank you for the great reviews! <3 <3 <3

Caroline at Prism Book Alliance gave Keeping Faith 4 Stars.

"I love reading menage but they don’t always work well. This one has three very distinct characters that bring very different things to their relationship and it is well balanced and loving."

Thank you, Caroline!!

Playing For Keeps received and great review as  well from MM Good Book Reviews. KathyMac gave it 4 Hearts.

"This is my first read by Lexi Ander and I really enjoyed this story. So much so that I will be starting the follow-up next. Even though we didn’t get any history on how the three became a unit, the author does a great job showing how in love they are. The plot was executed well from the time frame involved and it was a gratifying story. The dialogue is funny but serious when the situation called for it. Lexi shows depth and meaning in her sentences allowing the reader to visualize the scene."
Thank you, KathyMac!!

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Blog Tour: His Beautiful Samurai by Sedonia Guillone

Sedonia is a guest on the blog today touring for His Beautiful Samurai. I remember reading and enjoying the first edition several years ago. Stories set in Japan have always drawn me. Sprinkle in some mystery, some paranormal abilities, and romantic suspense--and I'm there. While posting the excerpt I got the itch to read this again. Now to figure out where I saved the book!

Book Title: His Beautiful Samurai
Author: Sedonia Guillone
Publisher: Ai Press; 2 edition (May 14, 2013)
Book Length: 216 pages
Genre: M/M; Mystery; Romantic Suspense

Buy Links: Amazon | Amazon UK |  Ai Press | All Romance eBooks (ARe) | Barnes & Noble Nook | Kobo |

Book Blurb:

Sex and murder don’t mix but Detective Toshiro Genjin and psychic John Holmes do…

John Holmes comes to Tokyo to help stop a killer. Through the use of his psychic abilities, he can help find out things that no one else sees. Toshi is a policeman who reluctantly accepts John's help, but from their first touch, John knows he wants more than that. He wants all Toshi can give him, and the heat between them surprises, and delights him.

The modern killer, a historical murder of two samurai, and Toshi's need to honor other commitments combine to make the blooming love between John and Toshi difficult. And dangerous. The more deeply they delve into the past, the more unsure the future looks. Could the heat between them be the only thing that can solve the mystery, despite all of the difficulties that stand in their way? Can they find a way to keep what is most precious to them? Haunting and powerful, His Beautiful Samurai is a murder mystery, a romance, and a study in the supernatural. Get your hands on it today!



Boston, Massachusetts
In other world news tonight, in Tokyo, Japan, a serial killer has been terrorizing the eastern portion of the city for the last six months.”
John reached out to switch off the set, but something held him back.
The Ronin Killer, has been dubbed so by Tokyo Metropolitan Police because of the use of a samurai sword to spear his victims.”
John sat at full attention, uncertain whether it was the military man in him, or the empathic psychic. Old habits didn’t just die hard, they went kicking and screaming. He stared at the screen. Police were loading sheet-covered corpses, apparently two bodies together, into the medical van outside of what appeared to be a fancy hotel. The top of the sheet protruded upward, attesting to the sword. It was obvious the killer had skewered his victims together. Christ…
The Ronin Killer, so named after the masterless samurai warriors of Japan,” the anchorwoman went on, “refers to the manner in which the killer chooses his victims, seemingly at random, and then murders them with a samurai weapon. Police have been frustrated in the efforts to capture the Ronin Killer before his next strike. Their only clue is the manner in which two victims are killed at once, either in an embrace or during sexual intercourse.”
Damn,” John murmured, a sick feeling rising in his gut. He continued to watch the footage.
Police Inspectors Natsuka Yamamoto and Toshiro Genjin of the Criminal Investigation Bureau have been on the case since the first victims appeared nearly six months ago. They refused to comment on the string of murders.”
The cameras zoomed in on the two men. They were leaving the building. A middle-aged, shorter man walked in front of the other detective, seeming to shield him, but the cameras managed to catch glimpses of the second detective. A few seconds sufficed for John to see that the younger man was slim and handsome. John’s heart sped up slightly. The detective’s ebony hair framed an angular face in sexy layers that curled over his collar.
John watched the screen, his gaze glued on the taller figure of the young detective until he was no longer visible. The segment ended and John switched off the set. He shook his head. There was a time when he would have immediately booked a flight to Tokyo and turned up at the police station, offering his services to catch the killer. Hell, that Japanese detective was almost good-looking enough to pull him from his rest cure. However, his nerves were still shot from the series of cases he’d worked on with police over the last few years. Four months hadn’t proved to be enough of a vacation. His hands had only stopped shaking in the last week.
He pushed the image of that guy from his mind, fighting back the nagging spirals of heat whispering about in his long-neglected groin area. John Holmes filled his days with walks in the park, counseling at the VA, and whatever leisure and athletic activities would keep him fit between reading trashy detective novels and staring into space. No antique stores for him, nor any other place where the lives of the dead could crash in on him. No touching other people so he could experience all their grief and anguish and learn their deepest secrets. He didn’t even take his reading material from the library or get it at used bookstores because he’d sense the lives of the people who’d touched the book before him. He was resting until his own soul told him he was ready again.


Author Bio:
Multi-published, award-nominated author, Sedonia Guillone is the owner-operator of Ai Press, publisher of erotic romances in all genres. Please come and visit!
She lives on the water in Florida with a Renaissance man who paints, writes poetry and tells her she's the sweetest nymph he's ever met. When she's not writing erotic romance, she loves watching spaghetti westerns, Jet Li and samurai flicks, cuddling, and eating chocolate. She writes both man/man and man/woman erotic romances and hopes you'll find something you like!

Author Contact Links:



Saturday, December 13, 2014

What Are You Reading?

Lots of editing this past week so the recreational reading is down.

Backwoods Asylum by Megan Derr #Audio #Reread #Shifters #WolfPuppies!!
Placeless by Vivian Dean #UrbanShifters
Cherish Your Name by Mary Calmes #Reread #UrbanFantasy
Silent Lodge by Lynn Lorenz #AlternateHistorical #Menage
Spirit Bear by RJ Scott #Shifter