Thursday, March 19, 2020

Discovering Warlord Sohm'lan #ConstantVP3 #ValespianPactQandA

 Who is Warlord Sohm'lan?

I thought I knew who he was right up until the point I started writing. In reality, my "idea" of Sohm'lan did not match the person who spoke to me. I kept trying to shove him into the mold of my idea and he fought me all the way, making me take a step back when I really did not want to. To learn more about Sohm'lan I wrote a scene from the early days when the twins were younglings... and then I wrote another and another.

That was probably the best decision I made because I not only learned who Sohm'lan was, but I also learned more about everyone else. I have always known what happened with events like Canry's disappearance, but I never wrote it down. But after do so, so many things just... bloomed and came to life. It was quite startling and writing those flashback scenes were also unexpectedly rewarding for me. Many of the ideas came from the group at Lexi's Sandbox when I asked, what would you like to see? The answers were about things like, "Life in the palace when Zeus was little" or "Scenes with Zeus spending time with his brothers." But I needed scenes with Sohm'lan and what came to mind was a mixture of suggestion that turned into several great scenes that still cause me to be a little emotional.

Sohm'lan was in many ways, very different than who I thought he was. Through Zeus's eyes I saw a stoic mentor, but what I was not expecting was how Sohm'lan identified with Zeus and Zeus's struggle to build a nest for his pregnant mates when his instincts were driving him to do things he simply couldn't while traveling in space. Learning about that emotional kinship was the first step I took on the journey to uncover who Sohm'lan was. Warrior, warlord, life-ling friend, protector, widower, waterfather, sentinel, mentor, and amor. He is both a complex and simple being. And he is probably one of the best things that has happened to the Vondorians.

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Pre-order link update!

Yesterday, I said there would only be the pre-oder link for Smashwords. I was wrong! 
I got a surprise email last night.

I was looking at the Kobo's page this morning, and they gave the reader some helpful insight into book details... 932 pages, 20-22 hours of reading, 253k words. .... 20-22 hours of reading! LOL!

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

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