Thursday, October 25, 2018

Pact Day: Open to Questions #ValespianPact

I'm back from GRL... Yay! But I've got nothing for today's Pact Day. Boo! 

I thought I would be able to come up with something on Monday or Tuesday, but I've been a bit useless.

So, what I'm going to do instead is open up this blog to questions. Are there burning things you would like to know about any of the characters, books, plots, species, or cultures? Give them to me and I will answer them on next Thursday!

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!


  1. When is the next velespian pact book coming out and what is it going to be about

    1. Hello Brooke! I answered your question on this week's Pact Day. I have included the link for you! Enjoy!
