Thursday, November 29, 2018

Pact Day: No More Topics #ValespianPact

I was planning for today's topic to be about the humans invading Aries 7, the GyrFalconi's homeworld, and realized that I had already given that bit of history on an earlier blog post. (If you haven't read it, you can find the post HERE.) 

Since that was a no-go, I looked around for something else for Pact Days and I actually have nothing to give you. It's not surprising. The Pact Day blog posts started almost a year ago. It was inevitable that I would run out of material to discuss. Since I'm in the middle of writing books 3 and 4 of the series, there isn't anything else that I can write on that wouldn't give away spoilers. I haven't picked up a drawing pencil for ages, so there aren't any character sketches. 

So... I'm at a loss, which means that I probably won't have anymore Pact Days. That makes me sad because I enjoyed writing the blog posts (mostly, LOL) but it also means that I need to find something else to fill this spot and I have nothing. I've gotten used to having three steady blog posts every week.

If you have any suggestions or topics you'd like to hear about. Just drop me a comment and I will definitely write about it.

I will have some announcements regarding the Valespian Pact in the future. I am working on something for InstantFreebie connected to my newsletter sign up. I have a handful of side stories about Zeus growing up with the Vondorians. I'm also going to be working on an anthology of flash fictions set in the Valespian Pact world. :) I don't have a time frame for them yet because I'm pushing to get Constant finished and off to the publisher. When I have something more set, I'll have another post about it.

In the meantime, I wanted to thank you for hanging out with me on Thursdays. I really appreciated it. <3

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!


  1. I love these books and the audios! I was wondering if Constant will be out in audio too? Thanks for Pact Thursdays, I've enjoyed learning more about this universe.

    1. HI Michelle! I don't know if the publisher will put Constant out on audiobook. We'll have to wait and see what they say once they have seen the manuscript. I am really glad the you enjoyed learning more about the crazy universe of the Valespian Pact. <3

  2. These were actually the first of your books that I read. And I enjoyed them so much, I re-read them at least three more times. In a row. Might have been more. Just to get all of the detail committed to memory that I could. They are also my default go-to when I've finished reading all of my books and have nothing new. I have been agonising over the rest of the series.....

    1. I'm really close to being finished with book three, Constant. It will probably be around 140k when I'm finished. I'm also at the half way point with Bespoken at around 80k but I expect the story to reach at least 170k. I am contemplating splitting Bespoken because of the length (and the longer the book the longer it takes for editing.) I will definitely post on here when I submit the stories to the publisher. I'm so happy that you have enjoyed Alpha Trine and Striker so much that you have re-read them. <3 <3

    2. How exciting!! I also read Sumeria's Sons all the time. I've probably read the entire series a dozen times this year. I need to get the rest of your books after the holiday..... Thank you so much for gifting the world with your talent.

    3. Aww! Thank you so much! Happy Holidays!!

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