Thursday, September 13, 2018

Pact Days: Series News Bits #ValespianPact #Cosntant #AlphaTrine

Welcome back to Pact Days!

Today, I'm going to stick to news so it will be a shortish post. I'm working on next week's which will be about the GyrFalconi. They are one of my favorite species (other than the Alpha-Zetamites, or the Mar'Sani, or the Dire D'Noss... LOL) and a bit more fleshed out than some because Axis de la Rynch will have a book after Bespoken called Chosen

The first bit of news is that I'm going to have a quarterly newsletter. It will come out... yep, quarterly, and will have release information and other bits of news so that you won't miss when I release a new book. For instance, one of my other series, Twin Flames (Sumeria's Sons, 1) will be coming out on audio later this year. That will make the newsletter. So if you want to sign-up, here is the link. Like I said, you will only get something once a quarter, besides the welcome to the newsletter bit. No spamming your email. I don't have time or have that much to say, really. LOL

The second bit of news had to do with updating you on where Constant (Valespian Pact, 3) is at. When I handed Constant over to the beta readers in March, the book was 67k. With Caledonia Destiny releasing in July, my weekly blog story, Assassin's Retirement, and then the contact renewal and re-editing of Alpha Trine, I was juggling edits and such along with trying to fix things with Constant. May, June, and July were mostly editing on anything but Constant. I even put Assassin's Retirement on hiatus for a couple of weeks because I just couldn't spare the time. But after the first week of August, I was back down to just Constant and Assassin's Retirement, and since then I have been writing new chapters for Constant, tossing out what doesn't work, or expanding what does. Now the book is up to 102k and I'm still working on it. I know those who love the Valespian Pact are like, 'YEEEESSSS, give me more'.

Readers have asked for some more details on Zeus and his family, which some of what I plan does fit well into Constant, but I had to acknowledge the other day that some of the scenes will probably be cut. They just don't fit. A couple of scenes that are flash backs to Azaes's, Mestor's, and Zeus's childhood will be gathered into a short anthology which I'll put on Instant Freebie. Some of the others stories, if there are any, I plan on publishing in a short story anthology, probably after Constant is published so that it doesn't give out spoilers. 

The one thing about the Valespian Pact that makes writing in this world hard is that it is detailed, more detailed than I had originally planned. The plot is vast and intricate because real life is sometimes not that uncomplicated. 

There are several 300 page note books, print outs, maps, and even Word and Excel files that has information that helps me keep track of timelines, events, locations, appearances, planets, types of starships... you get the idea. This world is massive and there is much that I have to keep track of. With Constant taking place the same time as Striker, I also have to match up those timelines and make sure things don't get hinky. So the books are coming, they will just take a bit longer so that I can be sure I get them right. 

The last thing I would like to talk about is Alpha Trine. :) A couple of weeks ago I spoke about re-editing Alpha Trine. I took care of all the little things that bugged me. I fleshed out a few things, such as gave characters last names like Abechan of Glimmering Moor who was only Abechan before. I standardized time telling: Atlainticians count years by 'summers', but when in space everyone uses the Galactic Standard time. I called the police and military a dozen different things. Clarified things that were generalized, and so on. I got my books in the mail the other day and I thought it felt more substantial than the original and when I put them side by side, I could see the difference. 

The one on the right is my old copy. It is 196 pages and the new one is 242 pages. The font is different so that would account for a little bit of difference in page length, but I also know that after editing there was also a little bit of word count added. I don't know that anyone will see the differences... well, the die-hard Valespian Pact re-readers probably will. If you bought your books through the publisher, LT3 Press, or Amazon, you can download the updated version. With Amazon it's a bit trickier because you have to go to 'manage your devices', search for the book, and select the update option. I don't know if you can do the same with B&N, iBooks, or Kobo. 

That is all for now! See you next Pact Day!  

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!


  1. For anyone who purchased this on Nook from B&N, it's very easy to update. Archive the book and then re-download it.

    1. Awesome!! Thank you for this information! I'll have to make a note so that I have this answer for the future.

  2. No problem. This is one of my favourite books, so I went to the trouble of emailing them for help so I could re-read.
