Sunday, April 30, 2017

Checking In #amwriting #standalone #SumeriasSons

I thought I would check in because I didn't put together my usual "What's on the Reading Radar" Saturday post. I've been buried with world building on a standalone for Sumeria's Sons. (Those who love the series will be happy about that after they read Releasing Chaos-which isn't out yet. Sorry. No news on that yet.)

If you've followed me on social media or even here on the blog, you know that I have struggled the last few months. I'm still working on Bespoken but the going is very slow. (Snail's pace.) Additionally, I needed to finish a book I gave a verbal commitment on for a collaboration series (Lucky Charm - Have Human Will Travel). I stalled on that a few weeks back. Then I switched over to Salvaging Toby's Heart which I planned on expanding, but again... stalled. Nothing seemed to be working for me.

Last year when I finished Releasing Chaos I knew that I would need to write another book in that world to give a certain character a HEA. I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do with them but nothing concrete until two weeks ago when a plot came to me. And then the idea took off like a shot. You have NO IDEA how relieved I was to have some enthusiasm about a writing project. I talked and talked and talked until I'm sure my husband wanted to get out the duct tape and then I talked some more. I couldn't shut up and it was a wonderful feeling.

I even drew up a map which I'll end up commissioning once I make sure all the place names are firm. 

Then yesterday I finished with the world building and I'm pretty sure the plot is solid. 

Today, I'm going to start writing the story...

I'm really nervous because the last three projects have come to a standstill. Last night I didn't do myself any favors though. I needed a refresher on the end of Releasing Chaos and while reading I had this moment of, "Holy Shit This Really Stinks." And I started editing only to remind myself that it was out in the professional editing world somewhere (with the editor going, "wow this stinks," too.). So I'm saving my self-disgust for when it is returned to me. It's probably why I only slept for five hours. I woke up still thinking over the stinky manuscript.

But today I'm going to try to ignore what I saw last night and start on the standalone. Wish me luck. I'll probably going to need it.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

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