Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rainbow Con Goodies Have Arrived

I almost forgot to order stuff for Rainbow Con. K-Lee Klein gave me a poke about the grab-bag swag and I had a moment where I thought I was sitting pretty--only to crash.

Scrambling, I went to my favorite place to purchase my favorite pens and that was a bust. The company updated their website and when I went to check out they tried to charge me 5x the amount. I did everything the IT dudes would tell you. Clear your cart. Log out and back in. Reboot. Clear your cookies. After several attempts I did the chatbox thing with their customer service.

They said they could take the order for me. We had the chat about when the pens would get to me because I'm leaving town and wouldn't be here to receive the package if it arrived after a certain date. I also had to divvy up the pens and send them to the Rainbow Con coordinators. If it took them the max time to print and then for the postal service to deliver, then I would have a little window to work with. My order didn't qualify to be expedited, but I told them to go ahead because these were great pens. Everybody loved them. People who didn't read my books remembered who I was because they had one of my pens. They all said the same thing, "I loved the pen."

Anyways, I tell them to go ahead and place the order. Then they come back and say that there's a problem. The cost is 5x what it should be. They wanted me to clear the cart then log in and out. I already did that and told them so.

They exited the chat.

I'm so not kidding. They basically hung up on me. I had been trying to place an order for three days and they hung up on me. And here's the thing. Even though I was frustrated, I was nice to them. I always am to the CS people because they aren't the one who caused the problem. They are the ones who help you out. So I'm nice. Nice got me nowhere that day.

So shrugged off my disappointment and I took my business elsewhere. The alternative pens arrived earlier in the week. They write well but the pen itself isn't something to write home about.

<--- Then Vistaprint had a sale going on so I purchase some special swag. A few hats and T-shirts, in a limited quantity to give away. I wish their pens were more affordable. Although, they are the only place I found that does a good job putting my book cover on pen barrels. I also have some mouse pads and a couple of spiral notebooks and a canvas tote.

The special prize is the two USB jump drives I bought that will have all my books loaded onto it. ^_^ Very cool.

So if you're going to Rainbow Con, make sure you look me up for some goodies. I don't know how long they will last!

Here is my schedule. When I'm not there, I will probably be at my table or at the Queer Sci-Fi table filling in. ^_^

Thu 1pm - Fiction: How Much Sex is Too Much Sex? 
Thu 2pm - Hard vs Soft Sci-Fi 
Fri 10am - Why Won't You Die: Vampires and Zombies 
Fri 11am - My God, It's Full of Gays! 
Fri 2pm - Warning: Too Many Warnings 
Sat 11am - Author Signing 
Sat 1pm - Anthro Sex Sat 
4pm - Shifter Sex 
Sat 5pm - Beyond the Wolf: Non-Canine Shifters 
Sun 11am - Fifty Shades of Fantasy 
Sun 12pm - Author Reading

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Wrap Up For The Week

First I want to thank The Writer's Minion for organizing this tour for me! The highlights for this week's blog tour with guest posts, interviews, and reviews, make sure to check out:

Divine Magazine - Interviewed
MM Good Book Reviews - Guest Post and Review
Decadent Delights - Interviewed
Cate Ashwood - Interviewed
Amanda Stone - Interviewed
Molly Lolly - Interviewed

Stop by and give some love to the websites that were kind enough Spotlight The Valespian Pact this week.

If you haven't already entered the giveaway, there's only a couple of days left to do so.
The Prize Package
10x7 Prints of Character Illustrations
by Breathless Design

Prize Package #1, Alpha Trine Prints

Prize Package #2, Striker Prints

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

MM Memorial Day Scavenger Hunt

Hey Guys! I'm participating in a scavanger hunt blog hop that starts today, May 25 and runs through June 3rd. I'm on the very last day (points to schedule). There are a ton of prizes and giveaways going on. 

So let's go! The starting blog is BFD Book Blog.

May 25, 2015
BFD Book Blog
Author Cardeno C.
Author Kade Boehme
May 26, 2015
Author Cate Ashwood
Prism Book Alliance
Reading is FunN'mental
May 27, 2015
Hearts on Fire Reviews
Author Lissa Kasey / Sam Kadence
Author Nya Rawlyns
May 28, 2015
Carly's Book Review
Author Jessie G
Two Chicks Obsessed with Books and Eye Candy
May 29, 2015
Author Annabeth Albert
Author M.A. Church
MM Good Book Reviews
May 30, 2015
Author Amanda C. Stone
Author Amy Lane
Author Aria Grace
May 31, 2015
Author Kindle Alexander
Author Sara York
Author Taylor Brooks
June 1, 2015
Author Andrew Grey
Divine Magazine
Author Kai Tyler
June 2, 2015
3 Chicks After Dark
Author Brenda Cothern
Author Sloan Johnson
June 3, 2015
Author Felice Stevens
Author Lexi Ander
Vampires, Werewolves & Fairies Oh My!
Thank you for stopping by and reading

The Valespian Pact Audiobook Tour

This week is the Valespian Pact Audiobook tour, running from May 25th thru May 29th. The blog tour stops are:

Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

Thursday, May 28th:

BDF Book Blog
Amanda Stone
Zathyn Priest

Friday, May 29th:

Molly Lolly
Scattered Thoughts And Rogue Words
Three Chicks After Dark

The Prize Package
10x7 Prints of Character Illustrations
by Breathless Design

Prize Package #1, Alpha Trine Prints

Prize Package #2, Striker Prints

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Guest Post & Giveaway: Angel Martinez with You’re Allergic to What…?, Lime Gelatin and Other Monsters

Whoot! I'm excited to have Angel on the blog today talking about odd and common allergies and brought along an excerpt to her new release, Lime Gelatin and Other Monsters.

Also, don't forget to leave a comment. Luck lucky people will win their choice of backlist Angel Martinez's books! 


You’re Allergic to What…?

When I was a kid, no one seemed to be allergic to anything. We played in the dirt, ate whatever the hell we wanted, ran around like crazy people in the humid, pollen soaked air, and somehow we were just fine. Oh, sure, occasionally, it turned out someone was allergic to bee stings and had to be rushed to the ER, but that was high drama for us.

Somewhere along the line, slowly, gradually, this changed, probably due to environmental factors and things in our food but suddenly we started to hear about kids being allergic to peanuts, to shellfish, to milk, to soy, to eggs, and so on. Heck, I even developed a shellfish allergy later in life in sympathy. But regardless of why it happens, food allergies are our immune systems being drama queens. The immune system misidentifies certain proteins in food and it overreacts, sending out the histamine troops in packed battalions and overloading critical systems, causing things like runny noses, hives, itching, and oh, issues with minor things like breathing. Allergies can develop at any time, young or old, and are sometimes linked to odd causes, like tick bites.

No, I haven’t been smoking anything good. Tick bites. The Lone Star tick has been linked to an increase in what was once an exceptionally rare allergy – an allergy to meat. Sometimes the allergy is only to mammal meats, but not always. It sometimes extends to poultry as well. Not all meat allergies are cause by tick bites, certainly, but the dang ticks have made it into the news and increased awareness of an allergy that’s particularly difficult to manage in this country. Why? Because it’s often a delayed reaction allergy, difficult to diagnose, and because Americans put meat in everything, to one extent or another.

A friend of mine struggles with this every day and I’ve watched how this affects every food decision. Did you touch that with your meat-contaminated hands before you handed it over? Does the restaurant use a separate grill for meat? Separate utensils? Mashed potatoes…but they have bacon. Fried okra, but it’s made with bacon fat. You get the idea. Suddenly you have to be aware of everything surrounding food preparation and not just the food.

So Kyle Monroe, the hero of Lime Gelatin, gets a meat allergy. Because it’s a thing that happens to real people and he wanted to be as real as possible. It’s his own fault.


Offbeat Crimes 1
(part of Amber Allure’s 77th Precinct Pax)

Officer Kyle Monroe’s encounter with a strange gelatinous creature in an alley leaves him scarred and forever changed, revealing odd abilities he wishes he didn’t have and earning him reassignment to Philadelphia’s 77th Precinct where all the cops have defective paranormal abilities.
Just as Kyle’s starting to adjust to his fellow misfit squad mates, his new partner arrives. Tall, physically perfect, reserved, and claiming he has no broken psychic talents, Vikash Soren irritates Kyle in every way. But as much as he’d like to hate Vikash, Kyle finds himself oddly drawn to him, their non-abilities meshing in unexpected ways.
Now, if Kyle and Vikash can learn to work together, they just might be able to stop the mysterious killer who has been leaving mutilated bodies along the banks of the Schuylkill.



Kyle sat up straighter, shifting to see between the heads in front of him. Soren looked like a poster boy for the model police officer, tall and straight, uniform crisp and sharp. He stood at parade rest beside the lieutenant, impassively surveying his new colleagues. A little knot of resentment lodged in Kyle’s stomach. At his own introduction to the 77th, he’d been nervous and fidgety, freaked out by the collection of…freaks. How can he be so calm?
“Officer Soren transferred from the Harrisburg PD—”
“Don’t they have enough freaky shit of their own up there?” Wolf called out in his rasping growl.
“Since Harrisburg is in our jurisdiction,” she continued with a quelling glance. “He’ll start out partnered with Monroe.”
“What does he do, ma’am? That it’s safe to put him with Kirby, er, Kyle?” Shira Lourdes asked as she flicked nervous glances across the room at Kyle. An empty chair slid away from her and fell over. Her partner, Greg Santos, shook his head and righted the unfortunate piece of furniture.
“Officer Soren’s abilities are his business, which he may or may not choose to share if you ask. And don’t bully him about it either, any of you.” Lieutenant Dunfee swept the room again, pinning each of her officers with her needle-laser gaze like captive butterflies. “Monroe, my office after briefing. Info on your current case.”
She dismissed them, stalking from the room with thunderclouds in her eyes. Kyle found himself approaching the new guy and trying his best not to be awkward. Did he offer to shake hands? Was it safe? Would the guy flinch like so many people did at the sight of Kyle’s scarred hands? Soren was even taller up close, six-foot-three of lean inscrutability, his blue eyes startlingly bright against smoky bronze skin.
“Um, hi, I’m Kyle Monroe.” Kyle fidgeted when Soren didn’t offer his hand either. “You’re with me, I guess. I’ll show you our spot in the squad room.”
Soren followed him silently and Kyle was starting to wonder if he was like Krisk in the not-speaking department until he finally spoke in a smooth, soft baritone, making Kyle startle and miss a step. “Why do they call you Kirby?”
“You’d hear it sooner or later, I guess.” Kyle shrugged. “It’s this thing I do, absorbing other people’s talents temporarily. If they’re close to me. Or touch me. Like Kirby, the little pink dude in the video game.”
Just that? Soren didn’t edge away, or change expression at all. Was he made of stone? “It’s a thing. Everyone here has a thing.”
After a few more steps, Soren asked, “Always?”
“What… Oh, was I always like this? Who knows? I mean, maybe I’ve picked up stray thoughts or something, but no. It’s pretty recent. Knowing that I do this.”
Kyle took a wide arc around Vance as he entered the squad room, pointing to the double desk in the far corner, well removed from everyone else. “That’s ours. Coffee’s over there, but you might not want that coffee. Let me grab my file and we’ll go see the lieutenant.”
“So what’s your story, Soren?” Vance called across the squad room. “What flies your freak flag?”
“Yeah, what do you do?” Jeff Gatling stopped ’porting his banana from one corner of his desk to the other.
“I don’t really do anything,” Soren answered as he hefted the empty coffeepot. “Guess I’ll make fresh since I’m the new guy.”
He opened the top to remove the filter and every human voice in the squad room yelled out, “No!”
Most people would have startled, maybe dropped the carafe. Soren just blinked at the roomful of people gesturing wildly. He took the filter out and emptied it over the trashcan. “Why not?”
“You don’t want to do that.” Kyle stayed by his desk, a nice safe distance from the coffee station. “That’s Larry’s job.”
“Larry’s not keeping up then.”
The container of sweetener packets began to rattle. It shivered across the counter and leaped to a messy end, ceramic shards skittering across the floor. The desk that Krisk and Wolf shared rose from the floor several inches and slammed back down. Wolf fled with a squeaking yelp just before the desk flipped on its side.
Soren glanced toward Kyle. “Larry’s not a cop, is he?”
“He is…he was! A dead cop. Larry’s a ghost. He gets ticked if anyone else makes the coffee. Put the stuff back, please!”
“Larry?” Soren raised his voice but to all appearances remained completely unruffled. “I’m new here. I’m very sorry I invaded your jurisdiction. See? I’m putting the carafe back. Closing the top. Are we good, Larry?”
A breeze ruffled through a stack of papers, but no further mayhem ensued. The carafe slid from its pad on the coffeemaker and floated to the water cooler where Larry, who never manifested in a visible form, whistled tunelessly while he filled the carafe.
From his dim corner of the room, Carrington said in his dry, genteel way, “Welcome to the Island of Misfit Freaks...”


2 commenters will be chosen at random (’cause I have a formula to do that and everything) for their choice of backlist Angel Martinez book!


About the Author:
Angel Martinez is the erotic fiction pen name of a writer of several genres. Her experiences as a soldier, a nurse, a banker, and an underpaid corporate drone give her a broad view of the world and a deep appreciation for the astounding variety of people on this small planet.
She currently lives part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head. She has one husband of over twenty years, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate.
To contact Angel with praise, adulation, sarcasm, and complaints to the management (any management, she’s not picky, but it might not solve your flight reservation issue) please try these linky things:

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Busting Some Knee Caps

This has been a hellova week. Last Friday and Saturday I made a some huge head way on Releasing Chaos and was pretty pleased with myself. Earlier last week, I had sent Fate And Destiny to an editor and after some discussion on a couple of things I needed to change, I hopped in to make the fixes. In and out and I'd be finished. I get about half way through and the prose fell apart. O.O It looked as if I hadn't edited my manuscript at all. I was horrified and then so embarrassed I wanted to crawl under the desk. I remembered I finished editing the story last year but the changes that I recalled making weren't there. What happened?

Unfortunately, after trying to fix it quickly and reviewing all my saved copies in the five different areas and reading my notes, I ran across where I was reminding myself of the information that was lost when my system crashed... I had remembered some specific changes which I wrote down but at the time I had a couple of other projects that had come in to I had to edit. Then it all came back like a bad memory. I had planned on going back and refinishing, but I had put it off because returning to that medieval head space was hard. 

Then I forgot all about it. 

Later, I remembered I needed to do some self editing and I'd always start at the beginning, get to certain point and then other projects took my attention away. After a year had gone by, all I recalled off the top of my head was that I needed to look it over before I sent it off to the editor. Earlier this year I contacted one and said, hey no hurry whenever you're ready. I'll look it over in the meantime. I started from the beginning and got to a certain point and then other things took precedent. What I looked at was fine... and assumed the rest was on the same page. The editor said, "Send it my way." And I did.

The laugh was on me. I thought I would die of embarrassment. I had this anxiety attack last Sunday, wondering what in the hell had I done.

Now again, Fate And Destiny has been put off because I received the edits for Salvaging Toby's Heart. Then a couple of days later I received the edits for Ruby Red Booty Shorts And A Louisville Slugger. I think the galley for Starting Fires will be coming any day as well.

Oh, oh, oh! Let's not forget, I'm prepping for the blog tour for Surrounded by Crimson--it looks like I have about 15 posts to write. Before all of this happened, I picked up a reopened DRitC story over at GR which is due July 13th. I still have to complete Releasing Chaos. Which leads me back to Ruby Red.

I started on the edits for Ruby Red yesterday. I pulled up what I remembered of the play list for the story, the Brian Setze's Malaguena (the video at the top) was one that I had looped while Diego was busting some knee caps. It reminded me of the fun I had writing the story. I finished the majority of the edits today I had left a couple of comments to go back and address because I needed to clarify some things. Then I get to the editors final comment on her suggestion for the story, and I'm nodding my head in agreement to them all. She had pointed out several places were there were issues and I had planned to go back and see how I could fix them but there was much more which she addressed at the end.

So if you're one of the few who has read Ruby Red before, then expect some changes. Possibly some big changes. The sequence of events is going to be rearranged and the story lengthened to fix the gaping plot holes, scrub out the telling when it comes to Diego's background and his abuela, insert some romance between him and Beck--well, insert a relationship period. There is a good chance that it will be a completely different story. The gist will still be the same, the plot arc for the big bad won't change but there are holes that needed to be filled in.

The next couple of weeks are going to be jammed packed. Next week there is a blog tour for The Valespian Pact audiobooks. I'm taking a trip on June 4th to see a friend and then jumping over to Texas to visit with family. I'll return home June 10th or 11th. So that is a week with very little work going on. With luck, I'll have Ruby Red back to the publisher before I go or at least have it written so when I return home I can run through a self-edit one more time before turning back in to the publisher. I have to get my things together for Rainbow Con and I'm hoping that by July I'll have the DRitC story finished so that I can spend a couple of weeks going through Fate And Destiny. I may end up taking Releasing Chaos with me to Rainbow Con. And holy cow, I'm tired.

I'm going to take a page from Diego's book and start swinging away to knock out some of these projects as quick as I can. I'll be scarce on social media, so if you don't see me for a while, I'm slaying my own Bruja Blanco. Wish me luck as I bust some knee caps (metaphorically speaking)!

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Rainbow Con 2015 Schedule

I had seen everyone on Facebook talking about their panel placement for Rainbow Con and I was like, "I don't have mine yet, but it'll come." Well last night I noticed someone said spam and I check and there was my email, six days old. Awesome.

But I was looking at this and started laughing. I totally forgot about forgot about signing up for the Author Reading. There are a lot panels I'm on and several were about different kinds of sex which made me immediately think of Salt-n-Pepa.

Thu 1pm - Fiction: How Much Sex is Too Much Sex? 
Thu 2pm - Hard vs Soft Sci-Fi 
Fri 10am - Why Won't You Die: Vampires and Zombies 
Fri 11am - My God, It's Full of Gays! 
Fri 2pm - Warning: Too Many Warnings 
Sat 11am - Author Signing 
Sat 1pm - Anthro Sex Sat 
4pm - Shifter Sex 
Sat 5pm - Beyond the Wolf: Non-Canine Shifters 
Sun 11am - Fifty Shades of Fantasy 
Sun 12pm - Author Reading

I really like the line-up. Now I can start getting prepared. :)

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

News: Ruby Red Booty Shorts And A Louisville Slugger

When I woke up yesterday morning, edits for Ruby Red Booty Shorts and A Louisville Slugger was sitting in the email. Later in the afternoon, the blurb arrived too with confirmation of the release date of September 16th. Whoot!

Now I feel like I have a reason to show off the cover again. I adore this cover so fucking hard, y'all just don't know how much.


Eager to escape the shadows of a tragic loss, Diego built a new life with his best friend, Beck. When he finally decided one night to admit that he's in love with Beck, that new life takes a new, hot and happy turn. But happiness is easily shattered, as he's learned all too well, and this time it's ruined by the arrival of a mysterious package and the arrival of men bent on violence.

Memories of a dead brother and an untouchable drug lord rise inevitably to the surface, and Diego dreads that the man he loves is mired in the world that Diego tried to escape. But Beck's secrets aren't so simple, and neither is the world in which Diego has been living…

In other news, Sumeria's Sons Interlude, Starting Fires has a release date. June 10th ladies and gentlemen. It is available for pre-order at LT3 Press for now and will be out at other retailers soon.


Juan's budding romance with Magi Gregori is brought to a sudden halt when Stan, Gregori's childhood friend and former lover, arrives unexpectedly at the ranch. Their romance is threatened completely when Stan makes it clear that he wants Juan gone and is not above using any means necessary to make sure it happens. Caught in the middle, Gregori must choose: the old flame or the promise of a new fire.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Guest Post & Giveaway, Louise Lyons, The Eye of the Beholder

Sometimes I will listen to music when I write, but mostly I write between 5 - 7am, at least on week days, so I have it quiet. But these are some of my absolute favorite songs, some old and some new, that I play over and over and sing along too (not well, I might add!)

Adam Lambert - Never close our eyes (Adam Lambert is my absolute favorite singer at the moment - loved him since American Idol in 2009 or whenever it was)

Avicii - Hey brother
Olly Murs & Demi Lavato - Up
Meghan Trainor - All about that bass
The Script - Army of angels
Joe Nichols - Revelation
Gretchen Wilson - Homewrecker
Guns N Roses - November rain
Tyketto - Forever young
Heart - All I wanna do is make love to you

The Eye of the Beholder
Release Date: April 29, 2015
Publisher: Wilde City Press
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: 103,000 words

Buy LinksWilde City Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK


Vince Voss is obsessed with physical beauty. Influenced by his aunt, with whom he runs a modeling business, he has become unfeeling and cruel. Vince's mother, who was a witch in life, returns to show him a better way to live. She casts a spell to take away his good looks and he finds himself challenged with searching for someone to love him, without the use of physical attraction.

Vince eventually meets a lonely male vampire, Peter, and despite his reluctance to get involved with him, he decides to use Peter to help him lift the spell. Little does he that at first, Peter is using him too, and he finally realizes what's really important when he falls for Peter along the way.



Vince realized he had no problem kissing a boy. He liked Peter, and he was definitely attracted to him. Vince’s body had already begun to react again, even though there was, as yet, no passion in the kiss. His cock filled, lengthening against his thigh, and he resisted the urge to adjust it with his free hand. Instead he slid his arm around Peter, but he resisted and pulled away. Vince opened his eyes in surprise and watched Peter shuffle around and change position. He faced the back of the sofa and settled himself across Vince’s legs so they could reach each other more comfortably. Peter laid a hand over Vince’s heart, and its beat increased. Their lips reconnected, and Vince melted into it. He slid both arms around Peter and deepened the caress until his tongue was in Peter’s mouth, teasing and exploring.

Peter responded heatedly. Soft moans and whimpers came from him as he crushed his lips against Vince’s and stroked his chest. Vince felt Peter’s icy touch on his skin and realized Peter had unbuttoned his shirt without him noticing. Vince shivered and trembled in response. His cock was painfully hard, straining against his fly. He struggled to breathe through his nose as the kiss continued, their tongues thrusting against each other within Peter’s mouth, almost in an imitation of fucking. Vince groaned as the thought put an image in his head—Peter’s pale body beneath Vince, their clothes gone. It was the farthest Vince had allowed his imagination to go, yet the idea didn’t shock him, only thrilled him. Vince changed position, still holding Peter but pushing him off his legs. Vince stretched out along the sofa so that they lay together, never once breaking the kiss.

Peter was as hard as Vince. Vince felt it as their lower bodies touched. Peter continued to stroke his hand over Vince’s chest, pausing occasionally to circle one nipple, then the other, until the small nubs hardened in response to the unaccustomed—and chilly—touch. Peter’s erection, reasonably free inside his loose trousers, repeatedly bumped against Vince. Vince realized Peter was gyrating his hips, trying to rub himself against Vince’s thigh without being too obvious about it. Vince pulled his head back, gasping for breath, and met Peter’s eyes. Once again, they’d darkened with arousal. Vince’s head spun, and he blinked rapidly.

“I thought you wanted to take things slow?”

“I can’t help it. I’ve never felt like this,” Peter whispered.

“Nor have I.” The dizzy, drunken feeling was suddenly more unpleasant than puzzling, and Vince heard rushing in his ears. His mouth was dry, and his heart raced so frantically he wondered if he could be suffering from the onset of some kind of attack. His cock was impossibly hard, painfully so, and the rest of his body was racked with shivers. “Fuck, I don’t feel so good.” The words sounded slurred, and Vince closed his eyes as Peter’s face whirled in front of him.

“Shit. Vince, look at me.” Peter slid off the sofa, knelt beside it, and touched his face. “Vince!”

Vince forced his heavy eyelids up and instantly lowered them again, fearing he might throw up. He heard Peter’s voice faintly through the rushing in his ears. The vampire uttered a string of expletives, interspersed with “I’m sorry” over and over. Peter laid a cold hand on Vince’s forehead, and Vince took deep breaths, hoping he wouldn’t lose consciousness. What the hell is happening to me?

“God, I’m so sorry,” Peter said more clearly. He had removed his hand from Vince’s face, and Vince risked another look at him. Vince’s heartbeat had slowed, and the room no longer spun around him. He blinked and focused on Peter’s face.

“What happened? Did I pass out or something?”

“No. I’m sorry,” Peter said again.

“What for?”

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes, I think so.” Vince pushed himself up a little and rubbed a hand over his face. “Why do you keep saying you’re sorry?”

“I just… I have to go.” In a second, Peter was gone. Vince didn’t have to go to his bedroom to know that Peter had already slipped out of the window and vanished. Vince stayed where he was, accompanied only by the sounds from the TV.

“What the fuck was that?” Vince muttered.



Author Bio

Louise Lyons comes from a family of writers. Her mother has a number of poems published in poetry anthologies, her aunt wrote poems for the church, and her grandmother sparked her inspiration with tales of fantasy. Louise first ventured into writing short stories at the grand old age of eight, mostly about little girls and ponies. She branched into romance in her teens, and MM romance a few years later, but none of her work saw the light of day until she discovered FanFiction in her late twenties.

Posting stories based on some of her favorite movies, provoked a surprisingly positive response from readers. This gave Louise the confidence to submit some of her work to publishers, and made her take her writing “hobby” more seriously.

Louise lives in the UK, about an hour north of London, with a mad Dobermann, and a collection of tropical fish and tarantulas. She works in the insurance industry by day, and spends every spare minute writing. She is a keen horse-rider, and loves to run long-distance. Some of her best writing inspiration comes to her, when her feet are pounding the open road. She often races into the house afterward, and grabs pen and paper to make notes.

Louise has always been a bit of a tomboy, and one of her other great loves is cars and motorcycles. Her car and bike are her pride and joy, and she loves to exhibit the car at shows, and take off for long days out on the bike, with no one for company but herself.

Social Media


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Facebook Event

Date: Saturday, May 16th 3:00 - 5:00 pm eastern time

Facebook IndiGo Author Spotlight: Spencer Dryden & Friends

IndiGo Marketing is throwing a party to celebrate Spencer Dryden's new release "Tricks of the Trade" and he's invited some friends to join him! Lots of fun, frivolity and giveaways! $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Grand Prize!

I am one of those friends celebrating with Spencer and I'll be giving away a paperback copy of Keeping Faith. :D
Giveaway: Signed copy of Unshakable
Formats Available: Print (will ship internationally)

Unshakable combines both Playing For Keeps & Keeping Faith in one paperback book.

Publisher: Fireborn Publishing, LLC
Cover Artist: Vanessa Hawthorne
Tentative Release Date: April 17, 2015

Now Available AtAmazon | Fireborn | Createspace

Blurb for Playing for Keeps:

College running back, Trent Harte, has been living with his lovers, AJ Barnes and Brock Everett, for two years. Caught in a compromising position, rumors abound. It's hard enough to be an openly gay football player, but gossip and snide comments only adds to his stress. Threats against his partners causes Trent to wonder if he should step back from the relationship.

AJ and Brock know there is something wrong when Trent begins to pull away. A call from Trent's father only adds to his distress. AJ and Brock refuse to let him shoulder the responsibility alone and they call for help. Will Trent find the strength to withstand the pressure and hold on to those he loves? Or will AJ and Brock be too late to convince Trent that they are playing for keeps?

Blurb for Keeping Faith:

Trent, Brock, and AJ are excited to spend Christmas together in their new home but secrets and dark dealings by Trent's estranged father interrupt their plans. Brock is kidnapped and Trent and AJ scramble to find a way to get Brock back before it is too late.

Several months after Trent Harte was drafted into the NFL, he, AJ Barnes, and Brock Everette are settling into their new home in Miami. Christmas is approaching and they are excited to share another holiday season with each other. Unbeknownst to them, William Harte, Trent's estranged father, double-crossed a deadly adversary and then disappeared. To draw William out of hiding, Trent becomes a target. In a horrible twist of fate, the kidnappers grab Brock instead, leaving AJ and Trent scrambling to find a way to get Brock back. Detectives believe Trent is responsible, and with each passing hour the likelihood of Brock returning home alive dwindles.

Brock traded his safety to ensure his lovers were out of harm's way. He would do it again even knowing he'd end up captured and restrained in a part of town that no one in their right mind would willingly go. The kidnappers are terrifying, but Brock is a fighter, holding on to hope with both hands. He must decide to either wait to be rescued or find a way to escape. Stuck between the wills of a ruthless assassin and an insane mob thug, something needs to happen soon or he'll never see Trent and AJ again.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Blog Tour Winners and Stuff

First off, I'm over at Joyfully Jay Reviews today talking about RainbowCon and my new release The Aurora Conspiracy in the Keeping The Stars Running Anthology. There is a local giveaway there so hop over and have a look while you're entering the giveaway.

Second thing. Here are the winners for the Dreams of the Forgotten Blog Tour. A huge thank you to everybody who participated. Y'all Rock! Congratulations to everybody!

Mary Ann

Thank you for stoppling by and reading!!

Cover Reveal for Charlie's Hero by Nic Starr

Schoolteacher Charlie Matthews returns to his hometown, looking to regain a sense of community, reconnect with friends, and settle down. It looks like his dreams have come true when paramedic Josh Campbell attends an accident at the school. It’s love at first sight, and a romance begins.

But Josh’s reluctance to come out to the brother who raised him, puts pressure on their fledgling relationship. While Charlie understands Josh’s concerns, he can’t help growing impatient. After all, Charlie came out years ago.

It’s not until Charlie confronts his own parents and realizes he hasn’t come to terms with their rejection that he fully understands what Josh has to lose. But Josh is Charlie’s hero, and Josh will do anything to prove to Charlie that he doesn’t need his parents to be part of a family.



He swallowed hard and closed his eyes for a moment before straightening his shoulders, taking a deep breath, and heading back to the table. As he pulled out the chair and sat down, Josh quietly studied him, obviously waiting for an explanation of what had just happened.

“I would have introduced you to Mom and Dad, but I guess they couldn’t stick around,” Charlie said with a bitter laugh.​

Read more exclusive excerpts of the book on -

RELEASE DATE: 17th June, 2015


Winner’s Prize: A $10 Amazon Gift Card

Nic Starr lives in Australia where she tries to squeeze as much into her busy life as possible. Balancing the demands of a corporate career with raising a family and writing can be challenging but she wouldn’t give it up for the world. Always a reader, the lure of m/m romance was strong and she devoured hundreds of wonderful m/m romance books before eventually realising she had some stories of her own that needed to be told! When not writing or reading, she loves to spend time with her family.

Twitter: @nicstar000

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