Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Woo-hoo! Striker Is Out On Audio!

So how cool is this? Striker is out on audio today!! I cannot imagine a book going to audio will ever get old. *happy wiggles*

Audible and iTunes both will carry Striker. The sample from Audible is a three minute clip that starts at Chapter Three. Hop over and have a listen.


The peaceful respite for which Zeus and his intended, Dargon and Alpha, had been hoping for is shattered when Zeus is unexpectedly drawn to the Waters of Poseidon and told that the safety they've been promised is a trap.

But the Fal'Amoric aren't the only important cargo on the Oethra 7, and countless others are depending on the success of their mission. If Zeus hopes to break the silent siege on Valespia and protect those most precious to him, he will need not just powerful allies but the fortitude to survive overwhelming odds.

Purchase Links: Audible (I don't know how to attach one for iTunes. :/ )

Thank you for stopping by and reading!

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