Saturday, May 27, 2017

Coming Soon: Sūnder (Darksoul, 1)

The fun announcement I have for today is regarding Darksoul.

The completion of this story has been a long time coming, but I believe that the time was needed to make the story what it is today. A ton of changes and improvements have been made to Part One that was made free through the MM Romance Group on GoodReads. I thought Gabe was too quick in his acceptance. I also wanted to write more standalone books in this series but there was material missing that would enable me to do so. And as you can see, I not only changed the cover but I also changed the title. 

A special thanks to Kirby Crow who created the beautiful cover of Sūnder. 

Sūnder has come in at 120k words. It will include a map, a glossary, and a lexicon. It is a standalone in this universe so the romance and the plot are both wrapped up at the end with an HEA.

Last but not least, the release date for Sūnder is September 4th.


If Sūnder Alārd had been born female he would have been cherished for being Feaborn—born with magick—and his birth celebrated. Instead, the L'fÿn insisted on his death. Only his Panthrÿn father's desperate escape saved him. With most Chándariāns uneasy in his presence due to whispers that he is doomed to become a darksoul, and unlikely to find a mate because of it, Sunder has nevertheless carved out an honorable existence as a warrior and commander. Acting as bodyguard and chaperone for the Chándariān prince, Sūnder attends the annual mating festival on Earth with his charge. He can't help but be fascinated by Gabriel St. Baptista, the tongue-tied nurse he meets after the prince's accident.

When he was sixteen, Gabe came home to discover his parents had headed out into space, leaving him behind. Gabe never recovered from the unexpected desertion and keeps everyone at arm's length to avoid being abandoned again. However, after meeting Sūnder, Gabe finds himself unable to resist the bond between them and breaks all of his carefully crafted rules to spend time with the Chándariān—regardless of the fact that Sūnder will soon leave Earth. Scared by how fast he is falling for Sūnder, Gabe just hopes his heart won't be too broken when Sūnder leaves.

Neither expects the deceit and treachery stalking them, and when Gabe saves Sūnder's life, it sets off a chain of events that could either tear Gabe and Sūnder apart—or give them both exactly what they want.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

News: Coming Soon! Releasing Chaos


I thought I had another day to get my Reading Radar post set up... LOL! I lost track of my days. I was going to see about putting one together quickly this morning, but as I looked over the blogs for the last months I realized I forgot to make an announcement.

So today's post is about Releasing Chaos, the final book in the Sumeria's Sons series. The release date is Wednesday, August 2. I'm both happy and sad that the series is coming to an end. Twin Flames was the first book I submitted to a publisher. It and it's characters hold a very special place in my heart. I keep telling myself it'll be okay because I do plan a couple of spinoffs, Sumeria's Magi and Sumeria's Children, where I'll be able to revisit Tristan, Ushna, and Brian even if only on the periphery. :-)

As with all my other work, I worry whether others will enjoy the story. But with Releasing Chaos I did a couple of things that I've never done before and that makes me more nervous than normal.

With the series written in first person, originally only with Tristan's point of view, the closer I got to the end the more I realized I had been shortsighted. The last two books I added other much-needed point of views. In Dragon's Eye, Ushna and Brian were added, but when I attempted to write Releasing Chaos from only those three points of view I ran into a lot of problems because a good portion of the story wasn't being told.

Needless to say, it took a little longer to write than what I had anticipated. I can't say that I was happy at first to add other POV's. Everyone was seen from Tristan's point of view, giving only an outsider's perception into the other characters. And since it was written in first person, changing it to third person for the last volume wasn't an option. So, I had to write these other points of view in first person. I admit I struggled with that a little bit. Yes, I knew who they were and their motivation, but writing in first, person, for me at least, is very intimate. So I had to get closer to them to understand who they really were in order to tell their story, in essence, show you who they were. I hope I did a good job.

I should be getting edits soon, and I know it's going to be a nightmare. (I peeked at what I submitted and started picking it apart myself so I know there's a ton of issues.) Between that and the half dozen to twelve flash fiction pieces that I intend on writing for the release/blog tour for the book, I'm going to be a bit busy. Which also means that unless I spend a day geting together my Saturday post, a few of those might be missing between now and August 2 LOL! I might have to spend a day or two writing several and getting them scheduled so that I don't have to worry about it.

That's it! Releasing Chaos can be preordered on the publisher's website, Less Than Three Press. (To have a look, just click on the title below.) It won't hit the third party distributors until release day.

Title: Releasing Chaos
Series: Sumeria's Sons, 6
Categories: Gay / Paranormal / Poly / Urban Fantasy
Word Count: 132k


Everything Tristan, Ushna, and Brian have fought for comes down to the moment they face Inanna and Marduk. Before then, Ushna must embrace his destiny and be transformed by Tiamat. But he returns with a fractured mind and will need the help of the new firebird or he'll be lost to the insanity of a primordial God. If he's lost, so is the balance Brian and Tristan sorely need.

Tristan has vowed to care for his ex-Flame, Theo Sullivan, who is doomed to forget more and more with each use of his new ability. When not dealing with his stubborn ex, Tristan must free the warriors stolen by the government and devise a trap for Inanna.

And that's only the start of the challenges, and everything that can still go wrong.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Naming Rites Blog Tour #poetry #giveaway

Welcome all!

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Gary Boehlhower author of Naming Rites and 
Marrow, Muscle, Flight 

Hi Gary, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself and your background?

What were you like at school?

In kindergarten I ran away from school. When I got home, my mom made me pick some flowers and we walked back to school and gave them to the teacher. But I don’t think the teacher liked me after that. In first grade, the teacher gave me D’s and F’s—this was a time when students in first grade still got D’s and F’s. And she wrote on my report card that “He doesn’t play well with others.” I was pretty much a failure in every department. But then in second grade my teacher, Sister Michael, had me read some poems and I loved them. I even memorized a couple of poems and Sister Michael had me recite them to the class and then in upper grade classrooms. That experience gave me confidence and a purpose. I became a very good student after that.

So, what have you written?

I have written four recent books: two collections of poetry—Marrow, Muscle, Flight and just out Naming Rites. I’ve also written two non-fiction books—Choose Wisely: Practical Insights from Spiritual Traditions and Mountain 10: Climbing the Labyrinth Within. My poetry is also published in many anthologies and journals. My most recent book “Naming Rites” is about persons and things and experiences that name me, touch me, brand me, influence me, scar me. I am a soft clay vessel imprinted by the hands and objects and names of those who have been part of my life. I am who I am because of love and betrayal, because my mother taught me how to dig in the garden and plant seeds, because my grandmother taught me to lift my eyes to the stories of stars, because of bread and hunger, passion and assault, gay body and questioning mind. We only have one gift to give the world and that’s the uniqueness of our own voice, our own story, our own particular and unique way of being in the world. “Naming Rites” is a way of saying my name with full voice, and hopefully it might inspire others as well to continue to give themselves away.

Where can we buy or see them? and

What are you working on at the minute?

I have three book projects on the burners. One is a book of non-fiction that deals with men’s circles or personal development groups. I have had a small group of men with whom I have met for over 20 years. The group has made a huge difference in holding me accountable to personal growth and goals. It is an amazing group of men who speak their own truth, listen deeply to each other, and love each other unconditionally. This book will tell our story of coming together, some of the stories from our own individual lives, and the processes we use to help each other delve into our own wisdom and values. The second book that is in the beginning stages is a collection of poems about living on stolen land—recognizing that the land I walk on every day belonged to the indigenous tribes who lived here with a sense of sacred trust and stewardship rather than the illusion of ownership. I hope to travel to sacred sites and have conversations that will help me understand more deeply my indigenous brothers and sisters and how I can step more softly on this land. The third book is a collection of poems written from the labyrinth—an ancient form of meditative walking that I use as a spiritual practice. Here’s a poem from the new collection:


If the way is lost in you
stop breathe pay attention.
Step again onto the path of your belonging
the path that calls from the center
of who you are and who you long to be.
Claim the journey that belongs to
your song, your story, your name.
Claim this day as the next step
this day as a promise
as a small hope that wakes up
something inside you that has been sleeping.
Step to the center of that hope
and let it surround you with light.
Let go of everything that doesn’t call your name
of all the baggage that keeps you in chains.
Let go of your certainty and your doubt
of your small plans and your grand designs.
Take this step
this one in front of you.
This breath this step is the only path
that brings you alive.

Why do you write?

The classic response of course, is because I have to. And I think there is something fundamentally true about that. People who are following their heart, no matter what profession they are in, say they have been called to do what they are doing. It’s part of who they are. Writing is that way for me. Along with being a teacher for 45 years, mostly in college, I have also been writing in one form or another all of that time. Some years the writing was mostly in my journal, some years it was predominantly scholarly articles or educational texts, but I have always been a writer. I love words, the process of finding the right ones to express the meaning, the emotion, or the story. If I had to say what I hope to accomplish in my writing it would be to encourage others to listen to their own inner wisdom, their own authentic self, and to live that out in the world. Every person is a unique and precious gift to the world and we need everyone’s voice, everyone’s passion.

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?

For me the hardest part of creating this collection of poetry was deciding what really belongs together, what poems support and reinforce each other, or take different perspectives on the same experience or idea. And the really hard part was cutting the 20 or 30 poems that I love that there just wasn’t room for. Another challenge that I took up in this book was to write about my own experience of sexual abuse for the first time. Through the writing, I learned again that it is possible to heal and also that healing is never over. I learned that I can be more vulnerable than I thought possible. I have read some of these very vulnerable poems to several audiences now and I have learned that I am still standing after I read them.

Title: Naming Rites
Author: Gary Boelhower
Release Date: May 16th 2017
Genre: Poetry


Gary Boelhower’s third collection of poems explores the ways we are named and branded with multiple identities, a clay vessel molded and imprinted from the inside and the outside by those who know us or think they do, by wounds, worries, stones, and nicknames, by place and absence, by teachers and traitors. Boelhower dares to name the body’s blows and pleasures and how they are celebrated in solitude and connection. His language soars with ecstasy and burrows into hidden places in the soul. His lyrics tell how the world’s pain lodges in the cells and how the fragrance of summer stars opens an aperture to healing. Boelhower is winner of the Foley Prize from America and the Midwest Book Award for his second collection Marrow, Muscle, Flight.

Purchase: Amazon US | Amazon UK
(links will be updated on May 16th) 

Find Naming Rites on Goodreads


Naming Rites is such a generous collection it offers both blessings and confessions, dirt and bread, miracles and explosions, cruelty and mercy, great blue herons who resemble monks and blue jays clowning around, a lover's tender touch and the horrors of the nightly news. In second grade, Gary Boelhower admits, he won 'the glow-in-the-dark statue of Mary,' and his religious drive, now mature, is still alive in these poems. They aim for (and often achieve) not just a personal record but transubstantiation, transforming experience into wisdom, fear into freedom, language into song. Naming Rites is the autobiography of a soul, reaching out beyond the boundaries of the self. Bart Sutter, author of Cow Calls in Dalarna and Chester Creek Ravine: Haiku

Gary Boelhower's poems resist convention and confinement even as they speak deeply of and from history, family, and community. The persona names and narrates himself into being as he chronicles profound and tender encounters as well as 'tectonic shifts and betrayals.' Software engineers meditate, children go hungry, and faith is lost and reconfigured. 'Let me not forget to be what I have spoken,' Boelhower reminds himself and his readers. Naming Rites is an important and sustaining book for our times, with its 'cadence that calls us into the streets with voices/of protest and hope.' Julie Gard, author of Home Studies



footsteps crunch on the cold snow
heaven’s full of falling mercy
the big arms of the pine
spread in prayer shawled in white
the whole everyday machine muffled

if everyone could say their name
in such silence we might hear
each one might send their small swirl
of hopes and prayers
spiraling out like sufi robes
in the dervish dance
and we might all
hear each other’s hands rise up
and we would know the one world’s song

all our rituals are attempts at listening
all our songs a preparation
for emptiness when our words
have all fallen away because we know
we are all whirling together

wherever you are however you do it
notice how we are all whirling together
in the great round dance
on this tiny rock with fire in its soul
through the grand galaxies
spinning with mercy and wonder

GIVEAWAY: WIN a copy of Naming Rites and Marrow, Muscle, Flight by Gary Boelhower

Author Bio

Gary Boelhower’s poetry has been published in many anthologies and journals. His second collection of poems published in 2011, Marrow, Muscle, Flight won the Midwest Book Award. He was awarded the Foley Prize in poetry from America magazine in 2012 and a career development grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council in 2010. His recent nonfiction books include Choose Wisely: Practical Insights from Spiritual Traditions, and Mountain 10: Climbing the Labyrinth Within,(co-authored with Joe Miguez and Tricia Pearce). His third collection of poems, Naming Rites, was published in April by Holy Cow! Press. Gary teaches courses in spirituality, ethics and leadership at The College of St. Scholastica where he is a professor in the Theology and Religious Studies Department.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

What's On the Reading Radar #WishList #TBR

What am I doing? Well, I actually got this post up for one. It's been a couple of weeks since I put together the reading interest post. The rest of what I have been doing is working on the Sumeria's Sons standalone WIP. It's coming along nicely. I hit the 14k mark on Thursday which is very cool. I thought that I could pull this story in at 40k... yeah, it might be a smidge or more longer. It's hard to tell right now.

I have a new laptop and I've been slowly moving files over that weren't in dropbox or the onedrive, meaning that my folder for Reading Radar isn't on here yet. So the list for today is short. Only what caught my eye this week and last. Hope you see something that peaks your interest as well!

Title: Alpha Academy: The Omega
Series(The Omega Curse Series #2)
Author(s): AY Venona
Length: 194 pages

Genre: Romance / Paranormal / Alpha-Omega verse / Non-Mpreg / Gay / Fantasy / Vampires / 


Blurb: When Daniel Saga and his friends go traipsing into the forest, they stumble upon a secret kept for thousands of years. But Daniel thinks he knows what this discovery means, which is something he does not want his friends to know. But can this secret be kept from the rest of the world? Or will this lead to the unveiling of the true nature of the omega? 

After Delvin Kish takes over Fort Ares, the vampires’ largest military base, he believes that Daniel is now safe. But new information reveals that the real threat is not the vampires, but someone closer and more powerful; and that in order for him to protect Daniel, Delvin has to learn to accept defeat.

This second book of the Omega Curse continues the adventure of Daniel and Delvin in the world shrouded in myths. As the truths start to unravel, they will face the greatest challenge that shakes the very foundation of their bond. One of them will have to make a sacrifice to save the other.

This is an m/m supernatural/suspense romance with HFN/HEA ending and is set in alpha/omega universe.

Title: Fur and a Badge
Series(To Protect and Serve Book 1)
Author(s): Caitlin Ricci, AJ Marcus
Length: 113 pages
Publisher: eXtasy Books (May 5, 2017)

Genre: Romance / Paranormal / Shifter / Gay /


Blurb: Angel is nothing like his name implies. Since he was thirteen he's been in one of the toughest gangs in Denver, slowly rising through the ranks, and now he has the chance to become an enforcer. Along with his best friend, he's willing to take that plunge. But what he doesn't realize is that the deep dark secret in the gang is that every one of the enforcers is a werewolf. When he's thrown in with a feral, abused werewolf, and bitten, he doesn't recover well. He's left for dead by the people he thought were his family. 

Quintero is on the hunt for his brother, who was captured a year before. Finding Angel, half dead and in the middle of his change, is the closest he's ever come to finding his brother. Angel has all the information this werewolf needs, but Quintero has to help him through the change first. With Angel barely alive, and the trail rapidly growing cold, Quintero is running out of time to save his brother before the gang destroys him for good.

Title: Chaos Awakens
Series: Dragon's of the Nether, 1
Author(s): Megg Jensen
Length: 398 pages
Publisher: 80 Pages, Inc (February 14, 2017)

Genre: Epic Fantasy / Dragons / Orcs / 


Blurb: For hundreds of years, the orcs and humans of Doros have shared an uneasy peace. It shatters in an instant with the botched assassination of a human priest in the orc capital. Hell bent on revenge, the humans take up arms as the orc monarchy crumbles from outside interference.

Now Tace, the unlucky assassin, is on the run. It's soon clear, however, that her mistake hasn't only precipitated a war. It's unleashed ancient powers, the stuff of legends and fireside tales—and not the cozy kind.

Tace has always worked solo, but to save Doros, she'll need to assemble the unlikeliest allies. Together, they'll unravel the mysteries of the orcs' cult of death, and in the process, Tace will come to question everything she's ever believed. Only one thing is certain: a great destiny awaits her—if she can live long enough to meet it.

Title: To Touch You
Series(Mates Collection Book 4)
Author(s): Cardeno C.
Length: 260 pages

Genre: Romance / Paranormal / Shifters / Vampires / Gay / 


Blurb: “His name is Salvatore Rossi. He’s a vampire. And he’s my true mate.”

By not relying on anyone except himself, Salvatore Rossi escaped a dead-end existence and reached the height of corporate success. But just when he has everything he always wanted, fate throws Salvatore a challenge he can’t solve alone and a young wolf shifter comes to his rescue.

Since childhood, Yoram Smith’s family was certain he would grow to become Alpha and save their beloved pack from its slow demise. When the time comes for a new leader, Yoram is forced to juggle his duty to care for a splintering pack with his duty to care for an absent mate, and his own strength suffers.

Being turned into a vampire didn’t alter Salvatore’s life philosophy: if you don’t rely on anyone, nobody can let you down. But when the boy who saved his life becomes a man who needs his help, the icy vampire must find his humanity.

Title: Barloc
Author(s): EL Esch
Length: 112 pages
Publisher: Loose Id LLC (May 9, 2017)

Genre: Dystopia / Gay / 


Blurb: Through blurry eyes, Noah Barloc stares out at a world torn asunder by chaos and war. He’s been wandering in it far too long, alone and starving. He slumps down beside the rubble of some building, prepared to accept the end. The shadowy figure of a man appears on the horizon right before Noah's world goes dark. Noah awakens in this man’s home, and learns the world is not so broken as he thought. Mankind has built cities underground and is thriving. Noah looks to his savior, Ban Reed, for guidance in this new world.

Ban is a hardened survivor of the Last War. He makes his living building bionic limbs for other survivors who, like him, lost limbs to the War, and hides his true, caring nature behind a cold, sarcastic facade. But for reasons unknown to Noah and Ban's friends, Ban invites Noah into his home to recuperate, and then teaches Noah the trade of building exceptional bionics so that he can support himself.

A recent bad breakup turns Ban from a one-man show into a loose cannon that brings home a new sexual partner every night. Noah has come to care for Ban, to see past his cold exterior into that warm, caramel center. Noah can’t stand hearing the sounds of Ban's nightly sexual romps, and can't help wondering why Ban refuses him when he’s the one willing to give Ban the love and devotion he knows deep down that Ban wants.

Title: One You Can't Forget
Series(Hades' Spawn Motorcycle Club Series Book 1)
Author(s): Lexy Timms
Length: 162 pages
Publisher: Dark Shadow Publishing (July 23, 2015)

Genre: MC Romance

Notes: It's free so I thought I'd give it try and its also on audible

Blurb: Emily Rose Dougherty is a good Catholic girl from mythical Walkerville, CT. She had somehow managed to get herself into a heap trouble with the law, all because an ex-boyfriend has decided to make things difficult.

Luke “Spade” Wade owns a Motorcycle repair shop and is the Road Captian for Hades' Spawn MC. He’s shocked when he reads in the paper that his old high school flame has been arrested. She’s always been the one he couldn’t forget.

Will destiny let them find each other again? Or what happens in the past, best left for the history books?

Title: Slumberscythe
Series: Outre War, 1
Author(s): Vance Bastian
Length: 274 pages
Publisher: Rogue Ravens Publishing (October 8, 2014)

Genre: Non-Romantic / Urban Fantasy / Gay Protag /


Blurb: After a series of dreams where he relives a female espionage agent’s 1972 missions, slightly overweight, slightly narcoleptic, slightly middle-aged, chronically single and gay James is shocked to learn the shadowy events really occurred. When operatives with dream-related powers show up in his life looking for him, he needs to find someone who can teach him to use his bloodline’s supernatural abilities.

His strange dreams lead him to unlikely help – a young reaper who fancies herself a Valkyrie. Halldora’s a closeted gamer-chick who grew up in the half-hidden world of the Outré. She’ll show him how to survive if she can get over her own baggage.

With a little luck, and a lot of help, James might just figure everything out.

Right after he gets these Sandman agents off his tail.

Title: Dim Sum Asylum
Author(s): Rhys Ford
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 9, 2017)

Genre: Romance / Urban Fantasy / Gay / 


Blurb: Welcome to Dim Sum Asylum: a San Francisco where it’s a ho-hum kind of case when a cop has to chase down an enchanted two-foot-tall shrine god statue with an impressive Fu Manchu mustache that's running around Chinatown, trolling sex magic and chaos in its wake.

Senior Inspector Roku MacCormick of the Chinatown Arcane Crimes Division faces a pile of challenges far beyond his human-faerie heritage, snarling dragons guarding C-Town’s multiple gates, and exploding noodle factories. After a case goes sideways, Roku is saddled with Trent Leonard, a new partner he can’t trust, to add to the crime syndicate family he doesn’t want and a spell-casting serial killer he desperately needs to find.

While Roku would rather stay home with Bob the Cat and whiskey himself to sleep, he puts on his badge and gun every day, determined to serve and protect the city he loves. When Chinatown’s dark mystical underworld makes his life hell and the case turns deadly, Trent guards Roku’s back and, if Trent can be believed, his heart... even if from what Roku can see, Trent is as dangerous as the monsters and criminals they’re sworn to bring down.

Title: Three Shots
Author(s): Brigham Vaughn
Length: 94 pages
Publisher: Two Peninsulas Press (January 31, 2017)

Genre: Romance / Contemporary / Poly / Bisexual / 


Blurb: Reeve Jenkins is an amateur musician playing in a dive bar. Grant McGuire is a man drowning his sorrows in beer after a painful breakup. When Reeve charms a reluctant Grant into coming home with him, they begin a three-year friendship with some very nice benefits. 

But when the two gorgeous men walk into Hawk Point Tavern—the bar Rachael Bradford owns—one evening and greet each other with a kiss, it sets off a chain of events that leads to a steamy night and maybe something more for the trio.

Title: Wild Ride 
Author(s):  Preston Walker
Length: 277 pages

Genre: Romance / Paranormal / Gay / 


Blurb: Paramedic Bo Everett has seen his fair share of tragic accidents. Treating a motorcycle accident is par for the course. But when he encounters the broken and injured wolf shifter, Ryker Hill, everything he's ever known changes. 

Alpha Ryker Hill is fighting for his life, and now he has more reason to fight like Hell. After all, he recognizes the sexy paramedic as his mate, and he isn't about to let him get away.

Bo has a lot to teach Ryker--in out and of the bedroom. But Ryker's hiding something---something that just might destroy everything these two rugged men have built. Can Bo help Ryker reconcile his past for a chance at a family and future together?

Get ready for a Wild Ride in this 50,000-word steamy gay paranormal romance. As the two men butt heads, the alpha and the omega fall deeper in love. Can you hang on?

Title: Demon Leap
Series: The Specials, 1
Author(s): Tricia Owens
Length: 204 pages

Genre: Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Thriller / Magical Realism / 


BlurbWhat if everything you've been told is a lie?

Fifteen years ago the war demolished Arrow's family. Lied to and betrayed, she's driven to shatter the conspiracy concealing how her parents and thousands of others died. But to go up against the powerful government she'll need to align herself with the strangest and most dangerous criminals in Victory City: the Specials.

They are not what they seem...

They are magic misfits and criminals, recruited and blackmailed to fill ordinary positions within the Sinistera Hotel. But for those who are greedy enough--or desperate like Arrow--there are opportunities to earn big money doing illegal magic jobs. The danger and the risks are high. Magic assassination, kidnapping, assault--there's a good chance Arrow and the others could be killed or wish they had been. But though the Specials each have agendas of their own, they are determined to rewrite history...if they can survive that long.

Title: Skim Blood & Savage Verse
Series(Offbeat Crimes Book 3)
Author(s): Angel Martinez
Length: 186 pages
Publisher: Pride Publishing

Genre: Romance / Paranormal / 


Blurb: Words damage more than just feelings as Carrington hunts feral books menacing the city.

When a ferocious book attacks Carrington at his own birthday party, he believes it’s an isolated incident. But similar books soon pop up all over town, menacing innocent people with harsh bits of poetry and blank verse that deliver damaging physical blows. It’s a frustrating case with too many variables and not enough answers, and the stakes go up with each attack.

With the help of his misfit squad mates at the 77th and the public library’s Rare Books Department, the missing pieces decrease but not Carrington’s vexations. His commanding officer rakes him over the coals at the beginning of every shift. His police partner has lost patience with what she sees as his delusional relationship choices and his inability to pick the right man in a vast field of two. City Hall demands that the books be stopped immediately. It’s enough to put a nutritionally challenged vampire off his skim blood.

TitleCry Wolf
SeriesUnderwood District, 1
Author(s): Greta Stone
Length: 408 pages
Publisher: Skeleton Key Publishing (April 9, 2017)

Genre: Romance / Paranormal / Gay / 


Blurb: Experience the timeless story of friendship, love, and loss...

Cry Wolf is the first installment in a series of classic literature, fairy tales, and folklore retellings with a dark, realistic twist. What are you waiting for? Join the hunt.


Peter is a kitsune. Chaos follows him wherever he goes. Good intentions, bad intentions---it doesn't matter. Even mimicking the howl of a friend he hasn't seen in over a decade turns out to have disastrous consequences.

The wolf doesn't have a name. For now, he goes by Luca. He has no past, and as an escaped slave, if he can't stay hidden in the shadows, he'll have no future. When someone steals his howl, he's drawn to investigate, and ends up saddled with a mouthy fox who insists they used to be friends once upon a time.

Petty problems and a dubious reunion are pushed aside the longer they're stranded together. The Underwood is a dangerous place.

They have two choices: work together or die.

Thank you for stopping by and reading!!