But that's not what happened.
A family visit and a week spent sick, among other things, caused my month to jump the rails. Not that I'm complaining. Heck no, because I love seeing my sister. The flu I could 've done without, but the rest, I just roll with it.
The good thing is I finished the line edits and sent to file off to get some feed back (today). Seriously. If I had to look at that manuscript one more day I think I would've clawed my eyes out. I need a break from it.
Now I have several hours to prepare and I am so tuckered out that all I want to do is curl up with a good book and get lost for like the next week.
But Nooooooo. I had to do NaNo. *whimpers* I had to do it a in a big way.
At the beginning of October I had plans for November, ambitious plans. Now I'm a bit intimidated. I lined up three projects for November.
1) Finish Soulless (The Rise of the Olmec). I started this last year and at about half through my writing ADD kicked in and I started something else. I am going to change the title to--something else because Soulless sounds sort of bleak when the story really isn't. The replacement title I thought of is wayyyy too long so I'm still looking. This is at 26+k now and I think another 30k will complete the story.

3) <---- Yes, I added a third story. I said earlier that I was feeling ambitious. This one I had planned to finish the research and hopefully start in December. I moved that puppy up. I wrote two LHNB stories this past summer and Playing For Keeps was the first one. This would be the sequel to PfK but I haven't found a name that I like. I have some possibles but I'm still waiting for the epiphany. I think this will be around 60k-80k. I have one plot hiccup that I need to work around but I know exactly what is going to happen in this.
So there they are. The monsters that will take over November. I think between the three of them I can write 50k next month.
I'm excited. I don't know if it's because I can start new projects or if it's because I can write something and using contractions. Why would that matter you ask? Because I'm teasing you about Striker. Aliens don't use contractions so Striker was sort of painful that way but the next book in that series, Bespoken, starts out in a place where contraction are used. I think I heard a chorus of angels.
Thank you for stopping by and reading!!